Do you believe in love?

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It's the first day of eighth grade, I look around at these kids I've known my whole life and think, "what happened?". I walked down the steps of the bus and tried to shake off the nerves, I'm not sure if I left off a great first impression last year, but I was ready to start this year. I walked slowly until I first caught sight of Kaia hanging by her friends. Great opportunity for a chat while I waited for my group. I walked over while trying to gain a little more confidence. "Ew, David's coming." Sierra remarked. Kaia said nothing, I honestly believe she's the only person that doesn't completely hate me, thought she denies it. "Go away David." Mya said, rolling her eyes. "Shut up Sierra !" I said sarcastically, waving my finger back and forth in her face. "Make me." Sierra threatened. I did my best intimidation technique, cracking my knuckles slowly while walking towards her. "I will." I spoke, moving my head back and forth slowly. "Did you hear Austin Terry is coming back this year?" Kaia finally interrupted. "Yeah actually." I remarked, sounding unimpressed. "Yay.. can't wait!" Mya said, waving her hands sarcastically. I looked to Sierra, right as I did I saw my friend Kat step out of their car. "Bye losers." I said like a baddie and did my casual walk over to my friend. Everyone stood around the car circle, catching up or talking about what to expect. When the bell finally rung and everyone filed into the hall, I settled myself into my homeroom class. I found I would sit between Kaia and Austin! I was really excited to sit by people who might actually not bully me, I was leaping for joy when I realized Sierra and Gavin sat in front of me. This would be a long year. As everyone found their way in Mr. Laser's homeroom, I saw Austin walk in, surrounded by Vincent, Cooper, and Aiden. I was a little scared that Austin would fall into the cool kids group with them and not be my friend, but I tried not to worry myself too much. Austin sat down next to me, putting his stuff under his chair. I couldn't help but notice his picture of himself in his binder, he was wearing a fashionable camo jumper, holding up a dead turkey. This was the first chance I would get to make an impression. "Do you like turkey hunting?" I managed to say. Kaia scoffed next to me "Turkey hunting? LOL" I tried to ignore her and pay attention to Austin, "Yeah do you?" I was pleased to be able to start a full conversation with him, sad to have it cut short by Mr. Laser asking for the classes attention. The next few days of school went on, nothing unusual really happened, except for me getting closer to Austin and the boys. I felt welcome in their group, and everyone found me hilarious (as they should). I loved talking to Austin but not too much, ya know? It wasn't like I was obsessed with him or anything. One week though, was especially interesting. It was a Friday and I got seated in my chair for a morning meeting day. The PowerPoint slide said: "Happy Friday, Compassionate students! This week we talked about empathy, and how we show it. Do you know what compassion is?" As Mr. Laser finished reading the topic, I found it a bit strange, but didn't question too much. Jaden Cadmus slowly raised his hand "Compassion is showing love and appreciation to someone."  "Close enough" Mr Laser said . "Talk to your neighbor and ask them how they can show compassion." Austin turned to me. "Interesting question I guess" I said. "Yeah.. how do you show compassion?" "I guess by hanging out with someone a lot and doing things that make them happy." "Ok." Austin started "what makes you happy?" He questioned me. "O-oh.. uhm" I stuttered, caught off guard " I guess people listening to me." I answered "Then you talk and I'll listen." Austin remarked. The rest of the day I thought about what he said, even on the bus ride home. What did he mean by that remark?

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