Mullet Boy (Austin's POV)

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                  I wake up to the sound of my wooden bed frame creaking, and of course, my Juice World alarm. "I still see your shadows in my room.. cant take back the love that I gave you, its to the point where I love and I hate you and I cannot change you so I must replace youuuu~" The alarm lets out a faint almost soothing buzz as it sings the melody to me. By far one of my favorite songs, that and Roxanne.  I sighed with relief, it was Friday, and tomorrow marked the start of the annual "Huntin' Fishin' and Truckin'" Convention! I got up and prepared for the day ahead of me. I slid on a white skin tight hoodie with a few stains, and put my basketball jersey on underneath. I let out a little grin, I was proud of myself for coming up with such as elaborate plan to hide my hoodie! It practically blended right in with the American flag on the shoulder of my jersey (Number 14) Before heading out the house I grabbed my 69K golden Rolex encrusted with real diamonds, I couldn't even tell what time the Rolex displayed and always relied on Kaia in math.....or David in history to read the clock for me. I grabbed my army backpack, but not before I grabbed my old iPhone eight with the black and blue American flag phone case,  and snapped a quick streak for snapchat. God I looked good today.. but... I was missing a lil bit of pizzazz for game day, so I grabbed my super-real-and-not-plastic-authentic golden chain and proudly hung it around my neck, it balanced gracefully above my collarbones. I then headed out the door- but not before touching the top of the door frame  and yelling "Sheeeesh"- and made my way to school.

            First period was terrible. On the announcements today, stupid News Crew just had to announce that we lost our basketball game yesterday.. 12-68. Great, just great! I was quickly distracted by the swift paper thrown in my direction by Mr. Laser, it was a math test from last week, I looked down shocked, "What... how did I get a 25? Kaia usually passes all her math tests! All I have to do is sneakily look at her answers, she never even suspects me!" I flipped over the twins paper. I almost stopped breathing when I saw a bright 87 wrote in  red ink on her paper. She... she must have.. switched answers on me..? what? How is that even possible! There's now way she could have see me look at her pa- what was that? A small note in the corner gained my attention. It read "Hi David  1.) Hewo coconut doggy 2.) Hi discord kitten 3.) No

It was a

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It was a.. question addressed to David, I could make out some sloppy penmanship that read "Option four, your lactose intolerant." My mind began to spin, and for some odd reason my heart beat rapidly rose.. why do I feel this way.. why do I- My already sweaty palms grew moister as I kept pondering on.. I then came to one conclusion to settle myself down, I must have diabetes, or be sick! David was just bullying Kaia right? He wasn't trying to be friendly.. or he wasn't trying to flirt.... right? Speaking of the lanky man, who always had a funny comical remark, where was he? As if god heard my question, Kaia walked into the room and took her spot beside me, getting out some dumb pink flair pen... and a calculator signed by D-David. "Yo Kaia-Wyah-Wooh-Bear" (I think I'm hilarious, always coming up with funny nicknames) "Yes Aussy." She replied not taking her eyes off of her basic-white-girl notes. "Where's uhm.. Melvin?" I replied quickly coming up with something to say. "You on a last name basis now, I mean makes sense, you two are in love aren't ya Mr. Melvin?" I was shocked, appalled, and... happy? "DONT say that, I'm not part of the LGBBQ Squad!!!" She looked up at me and all she said was, "He's cutting off that ugly mullet he has." I couldn't help myself and said, "Who?" Vinny turned around, his alpha instinct kicking in, we made eye contact and counted to three in our heads, our mind connected. "ASKED" our voices formed a perfect noise as we let out the epic comeback. But truly... I was the asker. And I could only think of one thing, and that was, David Corban Melvin.

Ty so much for reading this thrilling tale! I'm gonna be in a mental institute for a while, but that just means more writing time!! -Author Two

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