Chapter 28

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“Are we there yet?” Callie sighed watching as they crossed into Arizona from New Mexico. 

“Closer,” Blake sighed. 

It was the middle of the night. They had been driving all day and Callie was getting restless. It was Blake’s turn to drive and she was trying to sleep, but couldn’t. For one she was sore from her waist down after the previous night. 

Thinking about it gave her butterflies all over again. Liam had never even come close to making her feel like Blake did. She had only been with one other guy before Liam and she was still in high school. 

“How did you do this by yourself?” Blake asked breaking her out of her thoughts.

“I was fueled by anger and humiliation,” Callie sighed looking over at him.

“I see,” Blake smiled at her before turning his attention back to the road. “Sorry we can’t stop anywhere,”

“It’s okay. You have a game I get it,” Callie said lacing her fingers with Blake’s after he had reached over and grabbed her hand. 

“I’ll have Ford after the game and all day the next day. I’d really like it if you stayed with us,” Blake said glancing sideways at her. 

“Don’t you think that might send the wrong message?” Callie asked. 

“What do you mean?” Blake asked confused. 

“We just started dating,” Callie pointed out. 

“He’s fifteen months old what message do you think he would be getting?” Blake asked amused. 

“True. How would Brynn feel about that?”

“I really don’t care actually. She’s my ex and Ford’s mother she doesn’t dictate my life,” Blake said irritated. 

Callie wasn’t really sure how to react to that. She thought it was a legitimate concern. Clearly Blake had other ideas on the subject. 

“Anyway, it would be nice if you were there too,” Blake sighed. 

“Why do I get the feeling you just want me there so you know I’m not being left alone with Liam lurking around?” Callie asked looking over at him. 

“Well it’s an added bonus, but unlike you our exes were not at the forefront of my thoughts,” Blake said keeping his eyes on the road. 

He had a point, but she did too. He’d made it abundantly clear he didn’t want her by herself until Liam was put away. As for Brynn, maybe it was still a little of her insecurities seeping though, but at the end of the day Brynn did have a little control over him whether he wanted to realize it or not. She could control how often he saw his son and for Callie that was a huge deal. 

Callie sat back in the seat and closed her eyes. Maybe she just needed to rest and she could think clearly after. Blake took her silence as something totally different. 

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