Chapter 39

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YAY we got DJ back!!!!!!!!! I was literally watching that all day long after it broke they were going to try to get him back in LA!! I'm so excited! 

"Did you have fun?" Blake asked reaching over and pulling Callie onto his lap. 

 They were on the plane to Houston and it had just taken off. This plane had a couch along the right side and that's where Blake and Callie were both sitting. Ford was sound asleep spread out on two seats across from them. 

 "I did. We're you glad to see Ford?" Callie smiled down at him. 

"Yes and very surprised. Thank you for that," Blake smiled up at her. 

 "I'm glad we're going to get a little time with him," Callie sighed. 

 "Now you know how I feel," Blake nodded. "But I will have him all next week since it's all home games," 

 "I may have to come over and play then," Callie said before she could stop herself. 

"Mmmm yeah?" Blake asked pulling her even closer to him as he gripped her waist. 

"Seriously? You know what I meant and your son is asleep right there," Callie said letting him turn her so she was facing him with one leg on either side of him.

 "I do and yes I know," Blake said pressing his forehead against her's. "I feel like I should tell you the real reason why Ford is staying with my parents after Houston,"

"Yeah?" Callie asked leaning back slightly. 

"We're not flying back to California right away from Utah," Blake started. 

 "Why? What's in Utah?" Callie asked confused. 

"Well a lot of places, but we're going to Park City," Blake sassed. 

 "Smartass and what's Park City?" Callie asked confused. 

 "It's the top of the mountain. It's where the winter olympic games were held and it's beautiful especially this time of year," Blake explained. 

"You can do that?" Callie asked wide eyed.

"Do what babe?" Blake asked confused. 

"It's the middle of your season and you have a game on Monday night,"

"It doesn't matter as long as I'm there for shoot around on Monday and I will be. You'll have to meet up with my parents at Staples unless you're gonna stay with me," Blake smiled grazing his fingertips up and down her arms. 

"How funny is this? We both planned something special for each other for Thanksgiving," Callie laughed. 

"I like to think of it as my way of showing you how thankful I am for you," Blake said grabbing her hands and lacing their fingers together. 

 "I don't need all of that you know. Vacations or gifts isn't what does it for me," Callie explained. 

 "I know you don't and that's what makes me want to do it," Blake said pulling her closer to him and pressing his lips against her's. They were in a somewhat heated make out session when the pilot announced they were landing in Houston. 

 "We'll finish this at the hotel," Blake whispered out of breath as he reluctantly broke away from her. 

"Cock blocked by the plane," Callie laughed. "And no we won't we have Ford remember?"

"So frustrating," Blake smirked as Callie got up and walked over to where Ford was sitting. 

 Blake watched her with a genuine smile as she sat down in the aisle seat and gently laid Ford's head in her lap. She wasn't Ford's mother, but she certainly looked the part. 

Blank SpaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora