Chapter 42

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"I so beat you," Callie laughed as she and Blake walked down the hall back to their room.

"Only because I let you," Blake laughed shaking more of the snow off of himself.

"Whatever," Callie sighed rolling her eyes.

The two had raced down the toughest part of the mountain on snowboards. Callie had won and Blake decided to tackle her in the snow. Callie pulled him down with her and after a little bit of play fighting on the mountain she decided she was cold and ready to head in.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," Blake said taking the keycard out of his snowsuit. He went to unlock the door and stopped as something didn't look right.

"Did you close the door when we left?" Blake asked looking up at Callie with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, why?" Callie asked turning her attention to the door.

It was open with the hook of the security lock holding the door from shutting all the way.

"What the hell?" Callie asked wide eyed looking up at Blake.

"Stay here," Blake said pushing the door open.

"No. What if someone is in there? We need to call security," Callie said grabbing him by his arm before he could walk into the room.

Blake stopped and considered what she said. With Liam still running around it probably was a safer bet to have someone go in with him. He also needed to put them in a different room. No way would he get Callie back in there if someone indeed had been in there in the first place.

"What if it's just the cleaning ladies?" Blake asked stepping back and looking down at Callie.

"Do you see the cart anywhere?" Callie asked looking around.

"No. Fine, come on," Blake said grabbing her hand and leading her back to the elevator.

They made their way downstairs and walked quickly to the front desk.

"Can I help you?" Lydia smiled up at the two.

"Yes actually, we got back to our suite and the door was open. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the cleaning lady," Blake explained.

"What room are you in?" Lydia asked looking back at her computer.

"324," Blake answered as Callie kept looking around. Something about this just didn't feel right.

"Oh well," Lydia smiled. "I shouldn't say anything, but her husband came to surprise her so I'm sure it's just him,"

"Husband?" Blake asked confused.

"Liam," Callie said wide eyed.

"Oh no, did I do something wrong?" Lydia asked with a shocked look on her face as it started to sink in that the gentleman she had helped before wasn't who he said he was.

"You told him where we were?" Blake asked wide eyed.

"I...I'm sorry. He said he was her husband and that you were her boss and he was here to surprise her since it's their anniversary," Lydia explained.

"Are you fucking kidding me. Do I look like her boss to you?" Blake yelled.

"Blake stop she didn't know," Callie said gently trying to calm him down.

"I need to talk to someone in security and your boss," Blake said his expression completely stone and his tone bitter.

"What if he's still here?" Callie said frantically.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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