Chapter 9

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Callie stood back and looked at herself in the full length mirror. She was wearing the jersey Blake had given her with a white tank top underneath, black leggings and black boots. She had curled the ends of her hair and put on light makeup with bright red lipstick. 

“Damn girl,” Madison laughed. She was wearing DJ’s jersey and a black miniskirt and black flats. 

“I could say the same about you,” Callie smiled at her. 

“Let’s go so we can get down there and get in before the crowd. 

Callie nodded grabbing her purse and her phone. Samantha and Jessica were out shopping and having a nice dinner while the girls were getting ready for the game. 

The girls made their way downstairs and into a black SUV waiting to take them to Mandalay Bay. 

“Have you talked to DJ today?” Callie asked as the SUV pulled away from the hotel.

“No. It’s game day though,” Madison shrugged. 

Callie smiled. She had heard from Blake earlier that morning, but she wasn’t going to tell her friend that. It was wasn’t anything big just a simple good morning and have a good day. 

The SUV stopped at the back entrance to the hotel on the side where the basketball court was set up. Madison got out first with Callie right behind her hoping her friend knew where they were supposed to go. She led them up to what looked like a security guard standing at the back by the door and told him who they were. He asked them both for their ID’s and the girls obliged. 

Callie smiled a thank you as he handed her’s back to her and opened the door for the girls to go through. When they stepped inside they were greeted with organized chaos. There were people everywhere. Coaches, training staff, spirit girls, and even a few familiar faces of player wives and girlfriends. 

“Come on I want you to meet some people,” Madison said grabbing Callie’s arm and leading her to a group of women. 

“Girls this is my friend Callie. Callie this is Jada Paul, Chelsea Redick, and Gloria Barnes,” Madison said introducing the women. 

“Hi,” Callie smiled. 

After a round of nice to meet you’s the girls started making their way to their seats. Callie was impressed with how nice everyone was to her. It must be the fact that she was friends with Madison, because she could’ve definitely passed as one of Blake’s groupies with how she was dressed. 

Callie sighed pushing the thought out of her mind. The girls walked through the tunnel and Callie could hear basketballs hitting the hardwood floor. She wondered if Blake would be looking for her. 

She followed Madison who was following the other girls to their seats. As soon as she sat down she spotted Blake leaning against the scorers table stretching. He definitely hadn’t seen her yet. She looked back at the other guys who were practicing various shots. She smiled seeing DJ wink at Madison. 

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