Chapter 23

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After ordering the food, Kya had returned to her position on the couch with Lin. She tried her best to comfort the younger woman while she vented, she hated seeing Lin like this and made a vow to herself to beat up Tenzin the next chance she got. Suddenly they were startled by a knock on the door. "Oh! Finally! That must be the luggage. I hope they didn't send Bumi... For both of our sakes." Kya mumbled as she walked to the door. She was greeted with the sight of her mother and released a sigh in relief. "Mom, please tell me you didn't bring everything here yourself! You should have made Bumi carry it all!"

Katara chuckled lightly as she entered the apartment "Oh, I did. I made sure to have him wait outside.. I figured you two would be getting settled in, and I know you'd probably appreciate some privacy." Katara offered a sad smile Lin's way before continuing "I hope this isn't out of place, but Lin I hope you know how sorry both Aang and I are for what happened. We are beyond disappointed in Tenzin for his actions, and no matter what we hope you always know that you are like a daughter to us. Aang also wanted me to assure you not to worry about the small amount of damage on the island. It's already cleaned up good as new."

Lin ducked her head in shame at hearing about the damage. "I am very sorry about the damage- I didn't mean to damage the temple, I just sort of lost control. I should have stayed to fix it myself, I just was so shocked-"

"I hope you know that none of this was your fault dear, Tenzin alone is to blame for any damage. Please don't worry yourself over it, Lin. It really wasn't any trouble at all. It gave your mother an excuse to show off for everyone. She had everything put back together in no time. She even claims that it's even better than it was before!" Katara laughed as she spoke.

Lin shook her head "Sounds about right. Well I'm thankful that everything was able to be repaired and that no one was hurt.. And I appreciate you coming here to bring our luggage."

Katara moved toward the dinning room table to have a seat. "It's no trouble at all, I was happy to have an excuse to get away from it all if I'm being completely honest. Also I wanted to be sure that you were doing okay.. I'm so sorry for how everything played out. Tenzin came to me while you two were away and told me of what he had done. We were unaware of Bumi's party plans and told Tenzin he would have to own up to his mistakes and tell you in person. I had meant to warn Kya and speak with her first upon your arrival but both of my sons beat me to it. If I had known how it would have all played out I would have never suggested it, and for that I apologize."

Lin waved her hand dismissively "Katara none of that was your fault. Im just happy it's all over if I'm being completely honest."

A few moments of silence passed before Kya decided to speak "Speaking of which.. Should Bumi come up here to grab Tenzin's things? Or what would you prefer, Lin?"

Lin frowned "Oh, right... No that's okay. I already told Tenzin to grab his things while I'm away at work. I don't think he has anything here that he needs urgently."

Katara nodded "Okay, well If there is anything you need please make sure to reach out. I love you both, but I should probably get back out to Bumi before he gets bored and storms in here." Katara gave both Kya and Lin a hug before stepping back out and offering a small wave as she left.

Kya glanced over at Lin briefly before looking back to the floor "Well I suppose out of all the options it was probably for the best that my mom was the one to drop off our things, hm?"

Lin nodded politely "Yeah, but I'm thankful that she forced Bumi to stay behind. And as much as I love your dad I don't really think I would have been able to face him yet."

Kya nodded in understanding "Believe me, I know what you mean. Bumi and I have broken countless artifacts throughout our lives, and I always felt as though I had committed a murder every time. But while I understand where you're coming from, I assure you that he will not hold it against you. He never held any of it against Bumi or I, everyone knows that it was an accident. And honestly Lin even if it wasn't an accident I don't think anyone would blame you. You were upset, and he wouldn't leave you alone. You gave him countless warnings, so it's completely his fault. Besides dad is upset and disappointed in Tenzin, not you, Lin."

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