Chapter 27

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Lin held back a smile as Kya pulled her through the doors of Kwongs. And I thought I was excited. Lin mused as she watched Kya interact with the hostess. It comforted her to know that her feelings were not one sided. Though she still couldn't understand why Kya seemed to enjoy her company so much, she had come to accept the fact that the water bender did. Lin was snapped out of her thoughts as they reached the table. Lin noticed Kya looking at her and she smiled as she sat. "What is it?"

Kya smiled back but shook her head "Nothing, I was just wondering what had you so lost in thought. I was beginning to worry that you regretted agreeing to this, Beifong."

Lin frowned "Not at all. Why would I regret agreeing to a dinner with... Someone who is.. Important to me. I'm happy to be here."

Well, not exactly what I wanted to hear, but it's a start. Kya mused before smirking at Lin "Easy, Lin. Hold back on the affection a bit- that was almost too much for my heart to take!"

Lin shook her head in amusement as she glanced over the menu for a moment before tossing it to the side.

Kya raised a brow in response "What the hell was that? You didn't even look, how could you possibly already know what you're getting?!"

Lin laughed "I do live here you know. I frequent Kwongs quite often, so I already happen to know what I'm getting. I'm not some nomad." She finished playfully

Kya nodded while smiling "Fair enough. Well then maybe you can help me decide on what I'll order, hm?"

Lin thought for a moment before responding "Well I'm no mind reader, so I'm not exactly sure what you're in the mood for.. But based off of what I've gathered I think you'd enjoy the pan fried noodles. Personally Im going to order the roast duck. Their vegetable wraps are decent too if you're into that sort of thing."
Kya closed her menu and smiled toward Lin "Pan fried noodles it is, then. I trust your judgment, Linny."

Lin's heart began to pound as she took in Kya's smile. Before she could embarrass herself the waiter had arrived to take their orders, and for this Lin was grateful.

"Good evening, ladies. What would you like to drink? Wine perhaps?"

"Could we have two glasses of your finest, please. I would also like a Jasmine tea. Thank you." Lin responded casually

Kya had to stop herself from gawking as Lin ordered. She was thankful in that moment that Lin had made the decision to order wine. <em>At this point I think I'll need it for nerves.</em> "And a Jasmine tea for me as well, thank you." Kya smiled at the waiter before he left them.

"I hope it's alright that I ordered wine for us. I just figured.. Well one glass won't hurt. I know you're no stranger to drinking, so I figured you wouldn't mind." Lin rambled nervously

Kya smiled to herself, amused at the affect she had on the earth bender. "No, that's perfect! Wine sounds great, you should know that I'm not one to turn away alcohol." They both laughed and fell into casual conversation while awaiting their drinks.

Lin was smiling over at Kya, enjoying a story from her travels when suddenly they were interrupted by a person addressing the restaurant. Confused, Kya and Lin glanced over in the direction where the voice was coming from. In the corner of the restaurant, a small jazz band had gathered and were preparing to start their first song.

Lin turned to Kya raising a brow accusingly. <em>Really? Dinner and a show hm? Kya must have planned ahead for this..</em>

Kya shrugged with an amused smile before letting out a laugh "Listen Linny, as much as I'd love to take credit for this, I honestly had no idea!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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