Contempary Colors (11-10-21)

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Song: Hank Midnight - Nothing

Again, again, again
I feel like I'm always giving up

Trying something new,
for it to end up as a trend

I don't want phases,
I want love

For inanimate objects,
that won't ever leave me

But they do,
and it hurts

I don't want to spend all my life,
searching for the spark I once had

With life,
god it was filled with such contemporary colors

I just know deep down I can get it again,
is it a risk im willing to take?

Can I give up on everything,
just for my mother's dreams to get crushed?
my father's?

I wonder what your dreams were,
you'd seize the moment in your films

You'd travel the world,
like there was no tomorrow

You had a balance,
I wish you were here to spill those secrets with me

You use to help me with the smallest things,
things I'm forced to deal with on my own

Everyone is saying I'm doing amazing,
yet it doesn't feel the same as it would if you were here

For your to be here and say those words,
"I'm so proud"
a girl can dream like I have for the past decade

Reality Hits🍂🤎 Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now