Why Does Life Come With Questions? (5/29/22)

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Song: Harry Styles - As It Was

Has so much time gone by,
that we've become unrecognizable?

Have we jinxed what we've said,
or has this always been our destiny?

Everyone talks about how it's not the same anymore,
are we all stuck with the same problems in different fonts?

So many things have ended,
and I'm exactly expected to move on?

I've gotten fucked up,
why has everything become a reminder of you?

I want to move on,
then why can't I?

All this makeup,
but why hasn't it led me to be someone else?

Guilt takes a form in me,
why am I still here?

I find myself listening to our music
how did time fly by so fast?

I miss how things were,
I most importantly miss my old state of mind.

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