Your Poison Vial (11-10-21)

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Song: Broox- All My Friends Have Dogs

I'm dying,
you were my poison

Thought you were helping me,
turns out you were slowly killing me

The little girl I once knew,
stranded in the skies

It's where you go,
once a little of you dies

I killed a little of myself,
just for you

You told me to take a sip of it,
your poison vial

I thought I was taking it to be immune,
so when everyone else took it I'd be the one standing

Over all the dead bodies that couldn't make it,
I would since I was special

But clearly I wasn't,
because no matter how immune I got I didn't make it

It hurt because I was shocked,
yet I'd see you give me the vial everyday

You and me would laugh about the day I'd die,
you knew you were killing me

What disappointed me the most,
I knew I was killing me

I thought I was being smart by taking a sip,
clearly I wasn't

Now you and all your "friends",
they have bottles of the antidote

While I'm bleeding from my eyes,
my heart

My friends are shaking their heads,
while they ride away to deal with their own problems

They're fed up with me,
they know I know better

With you I don't,
you blur the lines
blurred the pain with it too

Now I close my eyes for the very last time,
along with the chapter of us

Rest in peace to me,
and especially to you
cause you are officially dead to me 🤍🕊

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