part 2

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Her first day of school

So y/n got woken up by yi hoon :"y/n wake up you have to go to school" "hmm 5 more mins" "istg this girl fine then be late i don't care its 7:30 too your information" *she quikly got up and was about to fall* yi hoon:"y/n be careful your not that healty yet ok so dont stand up to fast and now get ready" y/n :"ok" yi hoon:"oh and i was joking its 6:30 but u still need to get ready. " y/n :" yahh do i look like some kind of joke to you" yi hoon:"you don't want me to answer right?" *y/n got up and got ready, she took a shower and put in her uniform here you go

 " y/n :" yahh do i look like some kind of joke to you" yi hoon:"you don't want me to answer right?" *y/n got up and got ready, she took a shower and put in her uniform here you go

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Chat between y/n and yujin

Y/niii:"Hi bestie im infront of your house come down now we have school"
Yujin:"ok coming"
*so you guys maybe wondering who the hell yujin is so yujin is y/n best friend in those 2 years where y/n went to amerika she was her best friend who stayed in contact so here a picture of her

Yujin 19years old and y/n's best friend  *so i guess back to the story * they starded talking about the new school and were not ready for it *at school* teacher:"class we have a new student joining us from now please introuduce yourself" y/n:"hi m...

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Yujin 19years old and y/n's best friend *so i guess back to the story * they starded talking about the new school and were not ready for it *at school* teacher:"class we have a new student joining us from now please introuduce yourself" y/n:"hi my name is y/n lee im 19 years old " she said as she smiled thru her mask teacher:"ok sit next to daniel" *slowly a boy raised his hand* i sat next to him and he told me that we can take our mask of but she refused because she didn't want people judging her because of the past anyways after some time the vell rang the teacher said it was lunch time. Daniel:" Hi y/n do you wanna eat food together? Like i could show you around if you want?" Y/n :"sure daniel" *she smiled at him again thru her mask* they both stood up abd went to the cafeteria then daniel said she could have whatever she wabted she just took some kimbap and was ready to check out until daniel snatched it from her hand" daniel:"yah what are you trying to do huh" y/n:"issh i was just trying to pay up what are you doing" *daniel just evily smiled at her* then daniel payed up y/n :"yah here at least take this*hands over some money * " daniel:"no i won't" y/n:"why you know what i won't even bother but promise me im paying tommorow ok?" Daniel:" fine lets go to my favourite place" before y/n could answer he took her hand and went to the rooftop they sat on the floor and starded eating while having some deep talks

Guys im truly sorry yesterday we had gasts and today i was away for 8 hours but i promise you next week

From strangers too loversDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora