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So after she packed her bag she fell asleep. THE NEXT MORNING 🌞  she woke up by her clock buzzing so she got ready and she went to yujin which was already waiting for her to come (yujin's house was on the way to school) and then daniel also came :"hi Dani, hi yujin" y/n said "hiii" Daniel and yujin said so we were on the way to school and yujin shows them the comments under her post which is the picture from the two of them the comments sounded like "OMG 😱 such a cute couple love the ship" but then there were also comments like "eww he deserves better" but y/n wasn't sad about it because she knew that they are just friends so she was fine with those comments now they got to the school and they got into the classroom and still had 20 minutes left so they were just sitting and talking but then y/n wanted to go out for two minutes yujin and Daniel asked if they should come too but y/n said it's fine and after some time y/n got out from the classroom a girl named mia came and said"oh I was looking for you so? Why did you cut the phone on me?" "Mia I'm now speaking clear facts 2 things first of all I will not be quiet anymore if you touch me again and also if you dare i WILL tell Daniel about it and he will hatte you more-" "so you told him that-that i-i hit you?" she asked Linda worried "no i didn't do you want me to tell him?" "Tell me what?" Daniel came right behind her y/n straddles "nothing I was just talking about something" y/n said with believable eyes "okay I hope so" he said with judging eyes looking up and down at mia and he went in again"oh and second of all I don't hang up on you it was .-somebody else don't talk/walk or try to say ANYTHING about me because-" "we don't want to talk to you" yujin came putting her arm around y/n they smiled at each other and looked at her up and down and started laughing again and got in as they turned around Daniel was right behind y/n and how you know y/n was about to fall but Daniel held her hand and catched her and then the teacher came and started the lecture

Hi guys this may be another short chapter BUT i tried my best also hope you like it what happens next is pure imagination bye bye see you next-sorry tomorrow also HAPPY NEW YEAR AND THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 300 BYE GUYS LOVE YOU ALL ❤👋

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