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So after we finished eating I washed the dishes and jay was giving me company "So your favourite chocolate is Hershey?" Jay asked y/n "yea cause it gives me flashbacks from my childhood what about yours?" "Corn" "you love corn me too but these ones 🌽 with chilli are just delicious" he chuckled at the sudden statement afterwards he asked about the school." So how is the school I heard you will have your exams in the next 2 weeks?" "yeah sadly kinda scared cause im not that good to be honest so yeah," I said while cleaning now I was finished with cleaning and we decided to go to the living room just to see heeseung sleeping "oh man we wanted to play video games," he said kinda sad "we can play if you want," I said very carefully "sure," he said as I smile we went to my room it was already late but we just played some video games and in the match, he had  won one round and I won the other round "you are very good did heeseung taught you?" " Why do you think that?" I said just how did he know"cause he uses the same strategy as you and I so won the first match" he said which made me smile and nod "he taught me when I was like 14 or so" "wow well I should get going it's 1 am already," he said as I looked at the time "let me walk you to the door" "sure," he said smiling we walked down very quite and then I hugged him bye and also thank you bye 👋 "at first he kinda shocked but he hugged me back " bye y/niee" I then waved back and closed the door just to see heeseung awake "come here," he said in a sleepy voice I came and he opened the blanket for me to sit down "ohh I see you and jay are now friends you hugging him? Since when" "We were just playing games and since he did you and me a favour I just hugged him" I said while putting my head on his shoulder and he didn't say anything which again made me realise how much of luck I have to call him MY BROTHER he is so sweet not to forget Ji-hoon I love them both and again I am thankful for them and so y/n fell asleep on heeseung's shoulder while heeseung also fell asleep *both of their POV* "thank you y/n / Oppa for always being with me" and with that mindset both flew off to wonderland what happens next is a mystery

Hi, guys so this was my 400 viewers special hopefully our family will grow and you liked it and again I know it's not special like just to add one day more but I tried writing a long chapter so thank you again and bye-bye lovs ❤👋

From strangers too loversNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ