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So after they exchanged the gifts they were watching a movie until y/n's brain started working "sh!t I didn't write Oppa I am leaving sorry we will meet next time okay?" "Sure let me come-" "no I will just walk it's not that far away don't worry I will text you if something will happen ok?" "And when you are home just answer or I will get worried," he said as y/n was putting her shoes on "bye babe," y/n said as she hugged him "bye babe," he said "be careful" and off she went as she was walking the way was 15 min so she was walking and enjoying the view until she looked back and there was a grope of men looking at her and walking towards her she ignored it and thought that they may be also want to go this way but she pulled her phone out for safety on emergency contacts was one number saved as ~❤~ so she was ready until she felt very uncomfortable and called the number "hey oppa" "y/n it's me jay where are you" "j-jay but I didn't have your number" "what's wrong why are you-" "hey girl what are you doing all alone maybe want to come to us it's not save" a man said while being like 1 or 2ft away from y/n she started walking faster "j-jay i-i don't know what to do I will call hee oppa" "DON'T HANG UP," he said to which I said yes "j-jay there walking faster im scared" the next thing i knew is was a man touching my hair and then my hand and grabbing my wrist "wow she is pretty lets leave"  the man said y/n looked down while accepting the fact that jay is nit here nor is oppa or anyone until she noticed ine man letting her arm go she looked to the side just to see jay punching the man who grabbed her wrist but the other man wanted to know who he was but he was wearing a hat and a mask "Yah who are you?" Another man asked and the rest men were taking care of the man who got punched and hay calmly said "if you dare to touch her again it anyone I will -" "we don't please don't we are leaving the pls don't hurt us " they said and left then jay come to me but looked mad "thank-" "Are you crazy!" "What do you mean" "why did you leave so late where were you anyways do you know what could happen If I wasn't here you are unbelievable," he said mad but you could tell that he was worried he then held your hand and walked with you home quietly "can I ask you something "Go ahead" he calmed down again "how did you know it was my number" " well as you were washing the dishes I saved my number in your phone and put it to one of your emergency numbers and then-" "oh so you had my PHONE" as he let go of her hand and ran away "yah you HAD MY PHONE NOW COME HERE" "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN," he said and ran away and y/n started running as well after 5min of running both were dead and he waited and y/n didnt want to walk anymore so he knelt showing his back towards y/n "hmm?" "Ppali I will give you a piggyback ride" "N-no I'm not 5" "I knelt now come if you don't I will just pick you up" "ok i-im coming," she said " just tell me if I am too heavy," she said 1 min of walking "you are not but why are you so light?" "I'm not" "well did you eat dinner yet" "y-yes" "I don't believe you so he changed the route to an open dinner restaurant it was a tobokki restaurant "yeah I have to go home I am in trouble " "your nit I told your brother after I hung up while running to your location I told him that I am with you and he said it's fine when I am with you." "Ohh" now he put y/n down again and she said thank you and they walked to the open restaurant 2 tobokkis and coke please he said " as y/n looked for a seat "is that it?" "Yes" "also you have a really pretty girlfriend" he was too stunned to speak so he just smiled and left "here," y/n said and called him "thank you jay" "your welcome and thank god you are talking to me informally" "here is your food and 2 cokes anything else?" The waitress said while looking at both of them "no thank you," y/n said and she left "you dint pay right," y/n asked the waitress left "opps already did," he said while smiling innocently "wait let me take a picture of you," he said too y/n surprise.

And he sent her the picture and she put it on her insta and after they ate jay dropped y/n off and went home but something was off when she went home

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And he sent her the picture and she put it on her insta and after they ate jay dropped y/n off and went home but something was off when she went home

Guys this chapter is long and dayum sorry for the grammar mistakes but Luv you all and these are 900 words so hope you enjoy bye luvs see you tomorrow and don't forget to vote 👋❤

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