Chapter three - The beginning of the end

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Bass-boosted music blared from the building in front of you.

Standing arm linked with Hitch, you wondered how campus security hadn't shown up yet to shut this thing down. People were strewn about the lawn and steps leading up to the entrance, drinks and phones in hand under the dark, blanket of night. A few were even crashing already, the unmistakable retch of a girl who couldn't handle her drink and the tell-tale sobs of a boy who'd just been broken up with, penetrating the overwhelming thrum from inside.

When coupled with the haze of smoke pouring out from every orifice in the dorm, you remembered the exact reason you disliked college parties. Nonetheless, you persisted. After all, tonight was going to make or break your relationship with a certain brunette.

Taking a sharp breath, you glanced to Hitch, who nodded in support and tightened her grip on your arm. "I'm not letting weasel out of this now," she said with a smirk. "You've got this. Go get him."

Eyes back on the calamity of a party you were about to enter, your lips pursed into a tight line. Suddenly, this was all feeling like a very bad idea. But she was right, there was no going back now. "If you say so."

With that, you set off together, tripping up the steps in your heels as you avoided the throngs of people at every turn. Inside, much like the exterior, was well... busy. LED lights set a crimson mood over the common area, the smell of tobacco and... something that definitely wasn't legal, floating through the air like a suffocating mist. All types of alcohol left a pungent stain in your nostrils, the strong, underpinning scent of spirits very much present.

A tall man you didn't recognize nodded to the two of you as you stepped over the threshold. You supposed he was probably an older student on watch, or maybe someone's elder brother making sure no one destroyed anything. Being dragged along by Hitch, deeper into the den, you saw a few sets of couples, and even some throuples, heading up the stairs near the entrance. If the way they were all smiling like giddy teens said anything, then it was pretty obvious what they were about to partake in, and it wasn't a session of bible study. You chuckled at the thought. It led you to think, when was the last time you even...

"Woah, watch it!" Hitch yanked you to the side as you both squeezed past a very sloppy drunk, his drink spilling from it's cup as he staggered in the opposite direction.

You were going to see if he was okay, but weren't given the chance as she pulled you in further. The crowd of students became thicker the more distance Hitch put between you and the front door. Heading past a kitchen, you spotted what you could only assume to be a group of stoners. Makes sense, you thought, right by the food. This far in, you swore your blood-alcohol-level had skyrocketed simply by breathing the air.

Under archways, through doors and past rooms, the swell of music and conversation came to a crescendo as Hitch finally stopped in what you guessed was the back of the common area. Actually, it was. You could see the glass doors slid open at the back of the room, the party spilling out into the yard. Your heart went out to the cleaners on duty tomorrow morning.

It was so full in here, people dancing and talking on every inch of floor. Drinks spilled over the rims of cups and down throats. Actually, now that you thought about it, with all the commotion and under dark red lights...

"Hitch." She turned to you, her shimmery dress swaying with the action, and blinked with a hum. "How did you know your way through the men's sports dorms?"

Face going blank, Hitch looked exactly like someone who was trying not to look suspicious, looking even more suspicious. "I have no idea what you mean."

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