<know you better>

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Smut Warning}
Modern AU}
Childe X Zhongli}

Childe and Zhongli knew each other well. Very well. Far better than anyone else could ever know either of them. The moments they spent with each other were sometimes too good to be true. Both boys were madly in love with each other. It was painfully obvious in private, but outside of their home, they were surprisingly good at disguising their feelings. It's not that they felt the need to hide their love, but living in a fairly homophobic town did make things a bit difficult. Times such as now were especially difficult.

Zhongli's back was pressed against a wall while Childe's chest was against his own. The brown haired male's hands were pinned against his head by his wrists, Childe gripping them firmly with one hand. The blue eyed boy's other hand rested at Zhongli's hip. The two were in the middle of a rather heated kiss, Childe's tongue exploring Zhongli's mouth. After what felt like forever, Childe pulled away, causing Zhongli to let out a quiet whine. As the other took heavy breaths, Childe leaned in with a smirk on his face.

"Zhongli, I know we've done stuff like this before but.. would it be alright if we got a bit.. rougher?" He asked, his hot breath against the others ear. And it was true, the two males had fucked several times in the past. But, they never really took the time to explore what each other was interested in. All Childe had learned from their past experiences was that Zhongli was quite a fan of Childe pulling his hair. "I want to know you better." He continued.

Zhongli shivered from the others breath. "Explain what you mean by 'rougher'." He replied.

Childe pulled away slightly. "I just want to figure out what I can do to help you enjoy yourself in the future." He said, his smirk still wide on his face.

The other nodded. "Sure." He agreed.

Childe kissed Zhongli again, this kiss a lot shorter than the previous. He let his hand that was on Zhongli's hip wrap around the other slightly before pulling him close. "Let's continue this in our room, hm?" He then placed a kiss on Zhongli's neck.

Zhongli nodded. "Yeah. Let's do that." He agreed, pulling himself away from Childe.

As the two walked to their shared room, Zhongli couldn't help but wonder just what Childe had meant earlier. He had a feeling as to what the ginger meant, but either way, he'd be alright with what would happen.

As soon as they entered the room, Childe closed the door and pushed Zhongli onto the bed. Childe then crawled on top of him, sitting on his lap. He pulled Zhongli up and began to unbutton his shirt. "You're so hot." Childe muttered before leaning in and kissing Zhongli's neck again. As he unbuttoned the others shirt, Childe began to move his hips, grinding against his lover.

He was immediately rewarded with a slight groan from the dark haired male. Childe then moved from Zhongli's neck to his face and gave the male a lustful kiss on his surprisingly soft lips. He immediately brushed his tongue against Zhongli's lips, asking for entrance. Zhongli parted his lips, letting Childe slip his tongue inside his mouth. Their tongues fought for a moment before Childe's slipped past with ease, once again exploring the other's mouth.

As the two made out, Childe continued to grind against the other, his hands still unbuttoning his partner's shirt. A small moan came from Zhongli, but it was muffled by their kiss. As Childe finally got the other's shirt off, he pulled away from the kiss, a thin strand of saliva connecting their mouths.

"Childe.." Zhongli muttered, his hands resting on the ginger's shoulders.

"Yes, love?" Childe asked, kissing the other's neck yet again.

"Let me take your shirt off." The other said, his hands tracing down Childe's front towards the end of his shirt.

The other smirked. "Fine by me." He gave Zhongli another kiss on the neck, almost immediately after that he decided to give Zhongli a hickey.

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