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Aether X Xiao}

It had been almost a month, and no word from the blond haired traveler. The younger didn't even tell the adeptus he was leaving, instead, the yaksha found out from Verr Goldet, who owned the inn.

Xiao had felt anxious after not hearing from the traveler in two weeks. So, he had asked the owner of the inn if she knew anything about his whereabouts. Verr Goldet had replied with the fact that he had plans on taking a boat to Inazuma. Two weeks later, Xiao still hadn't heard from the other.

Why did Xiao care so much anyways? He never concerned himself with mortal feelings, and always assumed he was unable to feel most of them. However, now that the traveler was gone, Xiao felt.. strange.

He felt a sense of longing. He wanted to see the other again. Despite his lack of interest in the traveler at first, Aether had been persistent and eventually he gained Xiao's trust. From then, their relationship became Aether coming to visit Xiao at the inn almost every day, where he would ramble about his days while the yaksha nodded along.

Xiao wanted those days back. He wanted to hear Aether laugh as he talked about all the new things he learned about this world. He wanted to see the way Aether's lips would curl as he explained a tough fight he got into.

As the adeptus remembered those times, he suddenly felt a heavy weight in his chest. It was as if something was missing. Xiao tried to shake the feeling, but it wouldn't go away. What was so different about the traveler anyways?

Xiao let out a sigh as the night breeze blew against his face. How much longer would he have to wait for the traveler to return? Would the blond ever return? The thoughts began to send Xiao into a panic, despite him not knowing why. Relax. He will be back. Xiao told himself.

Suddenly, he heard something press against the wood of the balcony. Xiao turned, assuming it was Verr Goldet bringing him Almond Tofu. Instead, he saw a boy with blond hair tied back into a simple braid standing on the balcony, staring directly at the adeptus.

"Xiao!" Aether called. Before Xiao could process anything, Aether ran over and grabbed the yaksha's hand, jumping up and down in excitement. "Xiao it's been so long! I can't wait to tell you everything about my journeys in Inazuma!" The traveler spoke eagerly.

Xiao finally realized it. The traveler was back, and he was standing in front of him. A wave of relief washed over Xiao as he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding in. "Traveler, welcome back." He greeted.

Suddenly, Xiao remembered that the blond didn't tell him where he was going, or that he'd be gone for so long. A wave of pain came flooding back. "Why didn't you tell me where you were going? And for that long? What if you got hurt?" Xiao began to bombard the other without thinking.

He watched as the traveler's face became one of shock, causing the adeptus' face to change in realization of what he said.

The blond let out a laugh. "Xiao, we're you worried about me?"

A strange warmth filled Xiao as he finally heard the traveler laugh again. He turned his head in embarrassment. "Nonsense. I was simply trying to do what was right and make sure you were okay." He said.

Suddenly, he felt something warm around his waist. Then, that warmth pressed against his chest. "Traveler..?" Xiao looked down at the other, who was hugging him tightly.

Aether laughed again. "You were worried!" He exclaimed, his laughter filling the night.

Xiao's face reddened at the comment. "Don't speak such lies." He quickly replied.

Aether pulled away, smiling warmly at the older. "It's nice to see you again." He said simply.

The loss of contact sent Xiao into a panic. Was the traveler going to leave him again? Without much thought, Xiao pulled the traveler back into a hug, clinging tightly onto the traveler.

Aether was surprised. Xiao had never given him much physical contact before. "Xiao..?" He muttered, concerned.

Xiao felt something building up in the corners of his eyes. "Tell me where you're going next time." Xiao said.

"I will, I promise." Aether reassured.

That's when it happened. Aether noticed something wet drip from one of Xiao's eyes and roll down his cheek. Aether gasped, reaching to wipe the tear away.

"Xiao, are you crying..?" The traveler asked in concern.

Xiao shook his head. "No.." He tried to speak, but surprised himself when a sob came out.

That night, both the traveler and the yaksha got to see a new side of Xiao. The adeptus tightened his grip against the traveler as more tears spilled from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Xiao, I really am. I didn't mean to worry you." Aether said. He wrapped one arm around the yaksha in reassurance as the other went to play with his hair.

Without thinking, Aether leaned in and kissed Xiao. Xiao stood there shocked, staring at the traveler.

A wave of realization washed over the blond as he quickly pulled away. "Shit! Sorry! I didn't mean to.." Aether tried to apologize.

Xiao paused as he processed the fact that the other kissed him. It felt.. nice. For some reason, Xiao wanted more. He wanted to stand here in the traveler's grip, and he wanted to feel Aether's soft lips against his once more. So, Xiao leaned in and kissed the traveler, this time leaving Aether to be the one caught off guard.

However, Aether processed the situation a lot quicker than Xiao, and kissed him back. The two sharing a kiss under the moonlight was something the traveler had dreamed of for a while, although he never found the ability to verbalize it.

Aether pulled away, admiring the yaksha staring at him. "I love you, Xiao."

Those words stuck something inside of Xiao. It made Xiao's heart quicken. Something about the traveler saying that.. it just felt so right. He wanted to hear the traveler say it again.

"I love you too, Aether." Xiao replied.

Aether gave Xiao another kiss, this one quicker than the last. "I love you Xiao, I really do." He said. "I thought about you every day I was away."

Xiao started tearing up again, sending the traveler into a wave of slight panic.

"Ah, hey. Don't cry. It's okay, I'm here now." Aether said, gently moving his hand along Xiao's back in an attempt to comfort him.

"Don't leave. Ever again." Xiao said.

Aether laughed. "I can't guarantee that I won't. But, I'll make sure to tell you next time." He said.

1126 words.
I MIGHT make a part 2.
Also— sorry for all the Aether & Xiao stuff. I'm working on things with more ships, I just got this idea at 9 PM (my time) and decided why not write it out.

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