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“Would you look at that.” The vampire grinned, she let her wooden bat fell on the ground as she rushed to meet the wolf.

“Tzuyu!” Jeongyeon shouts as she saw her sister.

Tzuyu gasps. “Unnie? I knew it! Another useless vampire.” Tzuyu growls, turning herself back to her wolf form.

The vampire laughs loudly, and it irritates Tzuyu more. “How come I became useless when I got your puppy here, all captive under my control.” The woman said as she teleport back to Jeongyeon who is tied around the tree, helpless.

Tzuyu grits her sharp teeth, “Who even are you?” she asked, before she could beat this girl up. At least she would know what name she would put on the vampire’s grave.

The vampire just shrugs and rolls it eyes at her, oh how her blood boils from that. “Doesn’t matter. All I want is your human, little wolf.” The woman’s eyes glared red at her, her fangs grew longer at sharper too. Tzuyu could feel how the girl’s desire went incredibly high.

“Human? I don’t have any human.” Tzuyu said.

The vamp just made fun of her answer and laughed, “You are so silly. I smell the human all over you, so quit playing around.”

“Chaeyoung?” That’s it, maybe it was Chaeyoung’s scent that this vampire is smelling from her.

“That girl! Yes! The one Mina is obsessed at.” The girl must’ve heard her mumbles.
Tzuyu gulped down nothing but bitterness, Mina? Why does it have to be all because of that vampire again? “What does Mina had to do with this?” she asked as she took a glimpse at her sister who’s being untied by Jihyo.

Her sweats are forming. What if she ran out of questions? Then the vampire would look behind her shoulder. The girl giggled and that took her attention, yeah she has to pay attention so that she won’t realize that her bait is about to escape. “Oh that vampire is really hard to get. I was just asking for a harmless friendly date but she ignored me as if I’m nothing.” The vampire hissed, frustrated as she recalls how Mina dumped her.

“Give me back my sister or I’ll scratch the heart out of you.” She threatens, one more loop of knot and Jeongyeon is free.
“As if I have one darling, as if I have one..” The vampire states as she released an evil annoying laughter.

“This bitch!” Tzuyu growls, ready to attack because she’s getting impatient or maybe mostly.. irritated. But not even a second passed… her sister is already held captive again.

'Damn, this bitch is hella fast.'  Tzuyu thought.

“Trying to sabotage me? Oh please, my senses could never miss that there are two of you trash wolves here.” She said, as she brings Jeongyeon with her above the tall boulder of rock.

“Are you okay unnie?” Tzuyu looks at her back, Jihyo morphed back into a human and that only means that the vampire must’ve done damage to her at some point.

“Yes, I’m good. Just a little bruise on my arm. Go and get Jeongyeon so this will end.”

Tzuyu nods. Stepping back her hind legs in a proper position, as she ready her body to attack. She aims for the right side, yeah, so that Jeongyeon wouldn’t get hurt. Her eyes targeted the vampire’s arm, she growls then start running faster than before.

She used small rocks as boosters for her to bounce from one and another. The vampire seems to be bothered by all what Tzuyu was doing, because all she can see was a standing woman at the end of that boulder.

“Tzuyu, no!”

She heard her sister said something, shouted even, but the rustling leaves and trees that are bumping onto her made them inaudible. So she didn’t quite understand what Jeongyeon was trying to say.

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