Sleep Paralysis Demons (Beeduo)

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Tubbo was running across a huge field of flowers, pulling on Ranboo's hand to go faster as they raced across the meadow. It was sunset, and as they climbed the hill the sun set, casing a pinkish glow over everything. When they reached the summit and sat down, Tubbo sitting on Ranboo's knees, they lay back and gazed at the beautiful sunset. A warm breeze played with their hair as they lay back, enjoying the last of the summer sun and each other's company.
'This is so perfect.' said Tubbo, feeling warm and relaxed as he snuggled into Ranboo's side. Ranboo hummed in response, putting an arm around Tubbo as the sky transformed from pastel shades to inky darkness dotted with bright stars. They lay peacefully in near-silence, occasionally pointing out different constellations as they began to appear in the night sky.
Tubbo began to feel his limbs turn to honey and eyelids droop. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt his head quieten and his thoughts trail off.

As Tubbo woke up, he tried to hold onto the last trailing strands of his perfect dream. Then he realised he couldn't move. The panic immediately began to swallow him, as he thought 'no, no, no, not again'. He had had a few sleep paralysis experiences before, and knew he must keep calm, and they to wake up. He tried to clear his vision, focusing on different objects in his shadowy room, trying to calm his heartbeat, trying to lessen the roaring in his ears.
Then, a towering, slender figure emerged from the murky haze on the edge of his vision. Tubbo tried to scream, but he could only watch as the figure came closer, face featureless except from its purple eyes pinning him down with its nefarious stare, and nightmarish mouth, seemingly cut out of its bloodless face, skin pulled taught as its lips stretched outwards in a never-ending scream.
It glided slowly towards him, stopping just shy of the end of the bed. Tubbo was beyond terrified, frozen in place, unable to do anything, but all it did was stare at him with its empty purple eyes.

Then he woke up again, properly this time, with a beating heart loud enough to wake the dead, breathing heavily, drenched in sweat, too scared to even move for a few seconds.

Then Ranboo burst into the room, a half filled glass of orange juice in hand, and Tubbo, not quiet forgetting his almost-nightmare, automatically shied away from the tall figure silhouetted against the light coming from the hallway. However, quickly realizing who it was, reached for Ranboo, looking for comfort after his horrifying experience. Ranboo immediately rushed to the side of the bed, telling him to copy his breathing, to calm down, to tell him what happened. Tubbo ignored him, however, shuffling to the edge if the mattress and to wrap his short arms around Ranboo's torso, buring his head into the other boy's chest. In return, Ranboo hesitantly copied his friend, looping his long arms around Tubbo's back, waiting patiently as his best friend sobbed into his shirt.

'You alright now?' he whispered as Tubbo's chest stopped heaving and his breathing evened out somewhat.
'Y-yes.' came the hiccupted answer as Tubbo raised his head off Ranboo's chest and looked into his eyes through his blurred vision.
'Was it the tall man again?' asked Ranboo as Tubbo detached himself from his shirt. Tubbo nodded, his face scrunching up again at the thought. Ranboo carefully wiped way his tears with his long fingers.
'What happened?' he asked again, rubbing Tubbo's back then realsing him, sitting down on the bed.
'He at the end of my bed and just stared at me. But he still had his purple eyes and his mouth was all torn up and horrible.' Tubbo recounted, still upset, running his hands feverishly through his hair.
'Its ok. It's not real, remember, it's not real, he can't hurt you.' Ranboo comforted, slightly at a loss of what to say next to help Tubbo.
'Why were you up?' asked his friend, bringing Ranboo back from this thoughts.
'I couldn't sleep so I went into the kitchen to get a drink,' he said, pointing to his glass of juice on the bedside table,'when I heard you tossing around in bed, then you screamed so I came in. You probably better have it now,' he said, pointing to the beverage again,'it might help calm you down so you can get back to sleep. It's not even 3am yet.'
'Okay.' agreed Tubbo, still snuffling, drying his face again with his shirt paws. Ranboo handed him the glass, waiting as his friend drank the orange juice, then setting it down on the table again.
'You okay now?' he asked a hushed tone as Tubbo settled himself into bed again, pulling the covers up to his chin. Tubbo nodded.
Ranboo nodded in response, standing up from the bed, grabbing the glass and turning to leave.
'Nope,' Tubbo whispered, holding onto the back of his shirt and not letting go, 'stay.'
Ranboo sighed, resigning himself to the fact he won't be sleeping in his own bed tonight and he will have to return to his bowl of ceral in the morning, as Tubbo could be incredibly stubborn when he was tired. He placed the glass down again, climbing under the blankets, turning to face his friend in the bed. Tubbo quickly wrapped his arms around Ranboo's thin frame again, fingers linking together and resting on his back. He sighed contentedly, shuffling closer to his best friend and gently prodding his knees with his feet, signalling that he wanted to intertwine their legs. Luckily, Ranboo understood this gesture and slowly wrapped his long legs around Tubbo's short ones. Finally happy, they both drifted off to sleep.

(975 words)

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