2 to a Bed (Karlnap)

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After we finished eating I told Karl I was going to bed early because I felt sick. He looked concerned but sat down on the sofa to watch tv, telling me to call him if I felt any worse. I stumbled to my room and lay face down on the bed. The naseua in my throat was getting worse but I tried to sleep all the same. Later, I vaguely heard Karl coming up the stairs, pause by my door, them carry on to his room. I fell asleep to the sound of the shower.

*the middle of the night*

I woke up feeling really sick. I only had time to sit up before I was abruptly sick all over myself and my bed. I groaned and slowing got out of bed, trying not to upset the puddles of sick on the covers. I ambled slowing towards the bathroom, and, without turning on the light, took a long, hot shower. The warm water pulled me from my groggy state and helped a little with the nausea I was experiencing. As I got  out, I realised that I had no clothes to change into, so I made my way back to my room in just a towel. As I passed Karl's room, I realised the door was open and the light was on. I peeped in and saw Karl sitting up in bed reading a book. When I had put some different clothes on I briefly considered sleeping on the floor, but ultimately decided that Karl probably like the sheets washed rather rather than later, when the vomit had dried into the fabric. It might as well be now. Creeping silently along the corridor, I peeked into his room. Karl was still reading and must have seen movement at his door because at that moment he looked up and smiled at me.

'What's up, Nick?' he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
'I was sick,' I looked down, ashamed, at my feet, 'I threw up.'
'Oh no! Was it the food I made? I'm so sorry!' he sat up in bed and looked at my sleep deprived self.
'Were you sick in bed?' I nodded briefly.
'Its ok, I do it all the time!' Karl soothed sympathetically as he climbed out of bed.
'You get into mine while I clean your sheets then you can sleep here for the night.' he said. My heart raced. Sleep with Karl?
'Okay...' I said as I slid into his still-warm bed. It had a dip in the middle where Karl had obviously been say reading.
'Do you still feel sick?' he asked as he walked towards my room.

I shook my head again and lay down on Karl's bed, feeling slightly better with the smell of him around and listening to him pile up my sheets and shove them in the washer. I was feeling very drowsy and was almost asleep by the time Karl re-entered his room 10 minutes later. He didn't say anything, just gently slid me under his covers, shuffled me to one side and climbed in on the other side. My body felt really heavy and relaxed as Karl made himself comfortable beside me, slipping his arms round my waist and leaning his head against my back. He muttered something as he too went off to sleep, but the overwhelming feeling of warmth and safety drowned out the world as I fell asleep.

(573 words)

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