Face Reveal (Beeduo)

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Tubbo was streaming again, a relaxed just chatting, hyping up the viewers for Ranboo's big entrance. He had only been steaming for a few minutes when Ranboo walked in, not realizing that Tubbo was streaming, without his mask or glasses.
'Yeah chat, I know! Crazy, right?' he was saying, and at that moment Ranboo realized everyone could see him.
'King? You alright?’ Tubbo asked Ranboo, who had frozen in the middle of the room.
‘M-m-mask…’ stuttered Ranboo.
Tubbo quickly caught on, saying a hurried goodbye to chat and ending the stream, but the damage had been done. Ranboo felt a cold tear trail down his exposed face as he tried to control his breathing.
As soon as he had closed Twitch, Tubbo rushed to Ranboo’s aid, leading him to the sofa, taking his hands and squeezing them lightly.
‘Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay!’ soothed Tubbo, telling Ranboo to copy his breathing. ‘It’s alright, you’re safe, you’re safe with me.’
Ranboo just sat there, still not moving as the blackness closed in around him, Tubbo’s voice fading. His breathing was extremely erratic, quick shallow breaths were all he could take in his panicked state. Tubbo seemed to notice how he was feeling, because he didn’t try to talk to him again, just leg go of his hands and pulled Ranboo into a tight hug. After a few seconds, his body began to relax and he looped his arms around Tubbo, trying to push back the darkness in the corners of his vision. Ranboo believed that one of Tubbo’s greatest assets was to read the minds of those closest to him, which he was using to create effect here, remembering what Ranboo had said helped him.
‘Bossman, c’mon, the old mantra. 5 things you can see?’
Ranboo sniffled audibly. ‘Your hair, your hoodie, my jacket, the couch, the floor.’
‘And 4 things you can feel?’ continued Tubbo.
‘Your hands, my clothes, you hair, the sofa.’
‘3 things you can here?’ prompted Tubbo.
Another sniffle. ‘Your voice, my voice, the birds outside.’
‘2 things you can smell.’
‘Your laundry powder, the flowers outside.’
‘Aaaaaaand one thing you love.’ finished Tubbo.
‘You.’ answered Ranboo, burying his face in Tubbo’s soft hooodie again.
'Love you too, King.' said Tubbo, patting his fluffy hair as a way of comfort. After a few minutes of Ranboo’s face being pressed into his best friend’s shoulder, breathing in his sweet honey scent, he looked up and tried a watery smile, which his friend returned immediately with undeniable earnest.
‘It’s okay, King! It’s alright!’ Tubbo stated as he squeezed Ranboo extra tight again, but he only nodded, not trusting himself to speak yet.
‘Do you need anything?’ asked Tubbo, now rubbing circles on Ranboo’s back.
‘I-I-I just w-wasn’t r-ready.’ he tried to reply, half his mind on how ugly he thought he looked at the moment, and how Tubbo shouldn’t even be seeing him like this, disguising face on show and everything.
‘I know, Bossman, I know, I know,’ he sympathised, ‘but you look cool, why wouldn’t people want to see your beautiful face?’
Ranboo looked at Tubbo, shocked. No one had ever said that to him, much less he believe it to be true, but somehow him saying the few words made him feel the happiest he had in his life. His friend always found a way to make everything better. Ranboo, however, wasn’t very good at putting his feelings into words, so he just held Tubbo closer, hoping to convey how grateful he was for his best friend.

(597 words)

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