Chapter 9 : Santa Can You Hear Me?

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  Austin's Mall.
Christmas Eve...

   "So Julian is back, Spencer seems distant and at least Sean is not coming back..." Diana tries to gather all the information that her brother just revealed to her while Anastasia rolls her eyes. The three of them walk through the mall for a few final gifts and drink their coffees as Anastasia points out, "Let's say that you should really find who you want...I mean how.did I end up the most responsible here?" The teenage girl asks her older siblings.

  Diana and George look at each other extremely confused and Anastasia points the finger at each of them, "You are in love with both your best friend and your boyfriend and you can't stand your life in San Diego, so you are always trying to find a way to come back to Orleston and I'm pregnant!" The last one accidentally gets out of the girl's mouth and the older siblings almost faint when they hear that.

  "YOU'RE WHAT?" They both scream and Anastasia is left speechless, maybe for the first time in her life.

  "I mean, I knew you looked up to me but getting pregnant as a teenager is not the right call sweetie, look how much tiring it is being a mother..." Diana Saya to her while George and Anastasia look at each other and try to understand how she and Alex communicate.

  "You are getting tired by being a mother? How old is Emma?" George dares her to say the right age.

  "Whatever, she's young and I do love my daughter but as she grows up she's more Ramon than me..." she points out and they stop talking when they realize they have to he there for their younger sister. They hug her and tell her that no matter what she decides, they are going to be there for her.

  Kia's apartment.
In the meantime...

   Julian, Alex and Spencer are helping Kia with the preparation for the dinner amd everyone is surprised with how amazing of a chef, Alex actually is. Kia looks around and then checks her phone to see if Noah is busy but he is not active on social media all day. "Are you okay?" Julian asks her while he's secretly eating everything that his friends are making and the woman sighs. "Oh yeah, I was just checking a package that I ordered...So Julian, we never officially met. I'm Kia, your best friend's new BFF!" Kia responds and introduces herself with a charming smile.

  They shake hands and Julian grins, "Yeah I know, Noah talks a lot about you when we Zoom!" He says, causing Kia to wonder if that's actually true.

"Oh you're just like George described you. Tall, sexy eyes, hot voice and with the humor of a teenage ass. Now I know what he sees in you!" Kia says sarcastically to him and Julian almost spits his food.

  "George what?" Julian whispers since he is really confused. Kia smiles, giving him a taste of his own medicine just like what he said about Noah and her and returns to the kitchen, meanwhile though Spencer overheard the entire conversation. Then someone knocks the door and Kia opens only to find in front of her, Noah, Hayley and Roy. The teens walk inside after they hug her but Kia stops Noah at first. Julian looks at the whole thing and whispers to Roy, "What the hell is it with best friends and doors lately..." Since George didn't let him pass last week.

  Few steps away, Hayley grabs Roy and they make a Christmas Playlist for the dinner and Hayley smiles. "You know, I don't really remember when I was happy during Christmas until this year. I'm happy Roy and not just because of the way my family problems are out of the way but also because I'm with you..."  Hayley says to her boyfriend and holds his hand. Roy smiles and kisses her and remembers what Noah told him about living their lives like there is no tomorrow. He knows his family will never like the girl of his dreams but he doesn't care right now and he probably won't ever care.

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