Chapter 4 : He's Better Now

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   One week later.
Orleston Streets...

    Anastasia wakes up and puts on a face  mask to look really fresh for the first day as a senior at High School. She opens her closet and looks at her cheerleading uniform and things about wearing it like she did last year's first day and then she decides not to. Maybe it's time for something more bubbly like her personality and less pretending. Once she puts on a light pink very tight tank top, she then adds white Jean shorts and releases the waves of her hair down, creating an Anastasia look.

  She looks herself at the mirror one last time before he heads to the kitchen and grab the lunch that her brother made for her. "Happy last first school day!" George says to her and hugs her so tight, she can barely breath but that's how a proud brother reacts to some things. "I can't believe I'm a senior...seems like forever when I was a freshman and I was helping you and the others take down that businessman..." she points out in a nostalgic way and they both realize how long ago that was, making George feel uneasy about the fact that he is in his mid twenties already.

  After a few minutes the young girl departs the house and decides to walk to school since it's still pretty early. As she arrives to school a motorcycle literally stops half a second before it hits her and a young boy gets up and takes off his helmet.

   "What the fucking hell!?" Anastasia says angrily and looks at the young boy who has a small grin while he looks at her.

   "Sorry doll, didn't see you there..." he replies and walks towards the school not looking back at her for a single second. Anastasia looks at him and gives him the middle finger.

   Orleston High.
In the meantime...

   Hayley and Cameron are walking through the halls and while the boy is talking to her about football, she is off, thinking about the fact that she hasn't go to see how Roy is doing ever since she came back. "Hellooo earth to Hayley...are you okay?" Cameron jumps in front of her and scares her.

  "Jesus Cam, could you be more subtle?" She says to him and punches him at the chest as they laugh. Having spent the whole summer together, helping each other to get over their losses, it brought them closer and that really shows on the way they talk and look at each other. Cameron wraps his arm around her and she points out something...

   "I talked to Anastasia last week...I miss her Cam, she was there for me with the whole thing that happened last year with my father and I can't walk by her without saying even a hello to her..."

  Cameron sighs and understands what his best friend is saying. "I know...Part of me feels like I hurt her when we left..." the young boy points out and Hayley holds his hand, wanting to comfort him.

  Spencer's apartment.
One hour later...

    The young mexican is eating his breakfast before he gets to his army training when someone knocks his door and he opens it, finding George in his doorstep. "Hey..." the former flame says to Spencer and walks inside with a coffee he made for him at the store.

   "Oh, that's for me?" Spencer says in a sarcastic tone and takes it.

   "Soo that is actually long overdue but after having a talk with Kia, I realized that she was right and I have been very harsh on you..." George says to Spencer and takes his distance before he asks Spencer the thing that it's on his mind...

  "I need you to tell me what went down  between you and Sean during my graduation..."

  Spencer takes a deep, long breath and nods positively, since he wants to be honest about this for a long time.

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