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It was a very good advice. Like most good advices Michael had heard in his life it was completely useless. It was easy for Jason to say "do not beat around the bush" when it was not his bush which was at stake. It was Michael's bush which was at stake and Michael was painfully aware of that. It was a perfect opportunity to keep his mouth shut or get involved in an argument about his personal space, got sacked on a spot and maintained his perfect record. It was a difficult choice. His personal space was precious to him for no other reason like just because it was personal, as the name suggested, was all around him, thus space and because he liked to keep it pristine. As far as Michael was concerned, his body was a temple and his personal space was a hidden garden surrounding it. Michael needed a strategy going beyond positive sandwiches or risked walking backwards till the end of his professional life, which he thought would be a major step back. He asked himself a simple question: "What kind of a man you want to be?" He already knew the answer. He could either hide behind positive sandwiches for the rest of his life, like a shivering idiot, throwing silly jokes no one understood or act like a truly great man, a person of high moral standards, open and honest, kind and good nurtured, someone other men look up to with admiration, a natural leader and a problem solver attracting talent from all over the company. It was a no brainer. Michael chose to hide behind his positive sandwich one more time. Deep inside he was shivering like a goddamn idiot but was determined to address the issue of his personal space. He went back to Andy firing on all cylinders.

- Have you ever heard about personal space? – He politely inquired. Andy was busy counting numbers on a piece of paper. He raised his baffled eyes and after much delay yelled in response.

- WHO!!! – His whole body leaned forward like tower of Pizza defying all known gravity laws.

- It is not "who" it is "what". – Michael corrected and leaned theatrically backwards. - Personal space.

- Personal space??? – Andy was mystified, like he had never heard those two words together. He stepped forward intrigued by an unexpected development.

- Yes, personal space – Michael stepped backwards and repeated as slowly and clearly as he only could. The idea was to give Andy verbal and behavioural hint.

- What do you mean? – Andy bemused with innocent surprise and stepped forward a little bit further without getting any hint.

- What do you mean, what do I mean? – replied Michael equally as bemused and made distinctive step backwards suggesting the length of a healthy distance between the two of them.

- There is no need to be like that – replied Andy and stepped forward. – Tell me, what you mean, I want to know. – He demanded - Did you say space?

- Yes, space. – Replied Michael with increasing resignation. The conversation did not go according to the plan. He quickly walked away toward the other end of the table from where he could safely monitor Andy's movement. - I am an Ufologist! – He added with irritation.

- Oh – Andy shrugged his shoulders. – I do not know about that.

- UFO is powered by anti - gravity propulsion systems – Michael threw out with frustration.

- Well, you do not know that for a fact – Andy argued his corner.

- Yes I do, I have got sources. On You Tube. – Michael continued with annoyance.

- I agree to disagree – Andy murmured and sighted heavily. Michael did not know what to do. He could feel Andy's moan sinking in him and in an act final desperation reached for his sandwich box which he had put under their bench in the morning, took a large juicy orange out of it and presented the fruit with a warm friendly smile of devil's advocate.

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