Question 15!

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Jenny: So he's just wondering what we dream about?


Jenny: Oh, uh... Well... I don't really remember my dreams much, but if I do, I don't tell them out loud XD

Hmmm... Yeah, I've had a dream last night. It involves someone whom I won't say because he has Wattpad. But he was apologizing to me about what he has done (he's an ex-friend of mine). Twice, this happened in the dream last night. Though, if I were to pick the best dream I ever had.... I'd say one where... It was night time, and me, my siblings, and our dad was at the elementary school we went to (we as in my siblings, my brother still goes there though). We saw this Santa sleigh in the sky?? XD And eventually we were in this... Beautiful place... It had people around, still night time, but there were stained glass images around and... Man, it was all just so pretty! ^w^

Ember: There was one I had where my spirits were being harsh to me.... Wanting to kill me, and other terrible things.

Sally: I had a nightmare a long time ago, where I was in a dark forest, and Demon Sally chased after me in this creepy posture.........

Yeeeeah, most of us didn't have pleasant dreams XD But thank you for the question!

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