Question 17!

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Jessica: Pistol?! Ayooo! I already know we'll get along just swell, hahah!!

As you can tell, Jessica's favorite weapon is-

Jessica: I prefer a variety of guns! Any will do!! Rifle, pistol, anything! See, I even have a pistol in my pocket! *Takes out pistol*

Elizabeth: *Eyes widen, backs away* Aaaaaaaaa.......

Jessica: Huh? Oh! Yeah! Right, sorry, heheh. *Puts gun away* Sometimes I'll carry a rifle around too! :D

Jenny: I don't really use weapons, I like using my words and fists, hehehe! Depending on what I say, I can make people die or go insane!

Chris: Being the unknown and representing the unbearing shadows in the darkness is my greatest weapon... Known as a stalker, someone who watches everyone... And all they do.....

Eheeheheh... That's creepy TwT

Jenny: Creepy Chris! Hahaha!

Chris: *Smiles* I suppose that name suits well.

Sally: My favorite weapon would be an axe! Or a knife!

Any specific reason??

Sally: Wha- nobody else gave their reasons! Give this pregnant lady a break!!

But I just wanna know why you choose a knife! XD

Sally: Well... Maybe not a knife, but an axe... I use it in my Psychotic Nurse version, or, my fire is well as a weapon too.

Elizabeth: And my weapon... *Returns to normal, smirks* Is my beauuuutiful axe!~ *Lifts axe up* I always carry this precious baby around!!

I can tell XD

Avni: ...................

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I-

Avni: *Grabs me by my hair* Weapon favorite... *Lifts up other hand* Nails... *Smiles* And teeth. And scream...

Eeeeee, someone help me!!

Ember: *Giggles* You forgot about me too. Avni, I shall speak as long as you let go of her.

Avni: ........ *Let's go of me, begins to pet me*

Ember: Thank you. My favorite weapon is a scythe... Though I do not encourage violence. But I use it in my Ghost form. And what about you, Makaila? Do you have a favorite?

Jenny: Her? Using a weapon? Hahahahahaha!!

Elizabeth: Such silly nonsense!~ She's never killed or picked up a weapon!

...... Are you blind? Were you not around when I was at Jason's workshop? I know you watch us.

Elizabeth: Eheheh... TwT

*Sigh* I do have some favorites! Scissors, axe, scythe.... I'd say scissors would be the top favorite! Why? Well, I was inspired by Genocide Jack/Sho! Ever since, I just... Kinda got attached to scissors! As for axes.... I just find those super cool. And scythes, same thing.

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