Chapter XIX

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Chapter 19

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Chapter 19. A Charming Stranger

"My lady!" I turned my head at the simultaneous shout, recognizing the familiar voices.

I looked in that direction and saw Mira rushing towards me. I also noticed that Sir Rick was with her, standing behind her. His face displayed a mix of relief and concern upon seeing me.

"My lady, thank God we found you," Sir Rick said as they reached me. I smiled at Sir Rick.

"My lady..." I was taken aback when Mira knelt in front of me, holding my hand.

"Mira, quickly, stand up. The ground is dirty and cold. You'll get bruises," I urged her.

When Mira looked up at me, tears were streaming down her face. It felt as if her tears were gently touching my heart.

"My lady . . . Why are you so kind? I should be the one worrying if my lady was hurt, but you're the one who-" Mira's voice trailed off as she broke down into tears once again.

I embraced her, gently stroking her back to calm her down.

"I'm so sorry, my lady. I was careless. I was truly terrified when I lost sight of you. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything bad had happened to you. Maybe I'm not worthy to be your maid-"

"What nonsense are you saying, Mira?" I interjected, my voice tinged with anger.

I held her by both arms and faced her towards me. As our eyes met, I gazed at her intently.

"Listen to me, Mira. You are the only personal maid I want by my side. I don't want anyone else but you. Because you're not just kind, you also love and care for me. You are important to me. So, don't say such things again. And don't even think of leaving me just because of something like this. It's not your fault that I got lost in the crowd, remember that."

I couldn't hold back my tears either after saying that. Mira cried even harder, so I embraced her tightly once more.

Though it was embarrassing since we caught the attention of passersby, it was unlikely they recognized me as Cassia, the sole lady of the Clorance family, as I wore a brown wig to conceal my platinum blonde hair. I was also dressed in a simple attire, while Mira wore her usual maid outfit, and Sir Rick wasn't in his knight uniform to avoid drawing attention.

"But, my lady, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Mira asked, wiping away her tears.

I gave her a small smile. "I can't say I'm completely fine. My feet are aching, and my knees feel weak-"

"I think we should call for a physician," Sir Rick interjected.

"We should," agreed Mira.

I let out a sigh. "Both of you need to calm down. I don't need a physician, alright? As I said, I'll be fine with some rest. I'll regain my strength."

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