Achievement Diary

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October 2, 2021

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October 2, 2021

On this day, a significant moment in my writing journey unfolded. It marked the moment when I took a leap of faith and uploaded the very first chapter of my story, Reborn: The Route to Survival, on Wattpad. It was a story that emerged from my imagination after a prolonged hiatus from writing.

Immersing myself in the world of historical fiction manhwas, I found inspiration seeping into my thoughts, weaving intricate plots and captivating scenes in my mind. I felt compelled to write once again. With eager anticipation, I navigated to my Wattpad account, clicked on the New Story tab, and began crafting the synopsis and plot of my newfound creation.

Initially, I held no expectations of readers or views for my story. After all, historical fiction does not typically attract as large an audience as contemporary romance. I embarked on this writing journey solely for the joy of bringing the scenes within my mind to life, to breathe existence into the stories that had consumed my thoughts.

But then, in just a week, my story accumulated a hundred reads. While this achievement may seem modest to some, it held profound significance for me. Initially, I dismissed it as a quirk of the app, a glitch that occasionally occurs. Unperturbed, I continued to write, focusing on the joy of storytelling. However, soon after, votes started pouring in, filling my notifications.

November 3, 2021

As a month passed, another remarkable milestone materialized in my life. "Reborn" had reached 1,000 reads. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I found myself at a loss for words. This unexpected accomplishment stirred an indescribable sense of happiness within me. It warmed my heart, reminding me of the power of storytelling and the connection it forms between writer and reader.

November 26, 2021

Merely three weeks later, Reborn surpassed the 2,000-read mark, further solidifying its place in the hearts of readers.

December 3, 2021

Once again, within a short span of time, my story garnered an additional thousand reads, reaching a total of 3,000.

December 15, 2021

To my astonishment, Reborn achieved the remarkable milestone of 5,000 reads. Even now, I find myself questioning the reality of this achievement. The numbers continued to rise, defying all expectations.

December 21, 2021

In a breathtaking turn of events, it took a mere five days, not even a week, for the story to gain an additional thousand reads, pushing the count to an astounding 6,000.

December 25, 2021

Still awestruck by the accomplishments of 5,000 and 6,000 reads, I received another precious gift on Christmas Day: Reborn surpassed 7,000 reads. It was a memorable present that etched itself into my heart.

January 5, 2022

Reborn continues to exceed expectations, reaching new heights with 9,000 reads. Astonishingly, this feat occurred within days of surpassing the 8,000-read milestone. The growth of my story's readership leaves me in a perpetual state of awe.

January 10, 2022

Today, I stand here in utter disbelief as Reborn: The Route to Survival achieves yet another monumental milestone. As I write these words, I am still processing the reality of it all. The surreal feeling persists, but the numbers speak for themselves: 10,000 reads! To witness such a substantial readership in such a short span of time is beyond anything I could have fathomed. It feels like a dream come true, not just for me, but for my story-a tale born out of boredom and inspired by the manhwas and anime that have touched my heart.

July 17, 2023

Today, I am overflowing with gratitude and joy as Reborn: The Route to Survival reaches an incredible milestone of 160k reads! It's an achievement I never expected and am truly humbled by.

I want to express my deepest appreciation to each and every one of you who has supported me and my story, especially during my long break. You have been the pillars of strength that have carried me through this writing endeavor. Your unwavering support has meant the world to me. Your continuous engagement, sharing, and enthusiastic feedback have motivated me to write. Love lots!

Reborn : The Route to SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now