Chapter 2

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Enez martinez was in unimaginable pain. It felt like all her limbs were being torn apart yet she felt that all her limbs were intact

She remembers seeing a narrow whole. Or was it a boat? She couldn't remember since her eyesight was very poor

But she does know she's a baby and she is currently being given birth to and its an experience she never wants to to feel ever again

Her head was being squashed and she felt something cold and  rubbery grabbed her head and forcefully pull her head and the rest of her body and she felt immediate pain

And then enez martinez began to cry.

She was rapped around in a warm blanket and was placed in a warm embrace. She opened her eyes and saw a blurry figure smiling weakly at her.

Was that her mother? Thoughts began to whizz in her head. She looks very weak maybe its because she just gave birth?

She then heard the woman speak in a language similar to Japanese

Watashi no kawaī kodomo wa me o akemashita (My cute child has opened her eyes) she said as tears streamed down her face

The baby just stared at the blurry women who was crying. She understood what she said.

Kono yō ni mōichido dakishime raretara īnoni(I wish I could hug you like this once more) what do you mean once more?

Anata no Ao-iro no kami wa taiyō no shita de kirakira to kagayaki, anata no midori no me wa yozora no yō ni kiramekimasu(Your blue hair shines brightly in the sun and your green eyes shimmer like the night sky)

So I have blue hair and green eyes, how nice she thought about her last life and how she had such an average appearance

Anata no namae wa Nadia la Arwall narimasu(your name shall be Nadia la Arwall)

Such a peculiar name but I'll appreciate it thank you for naming me She thought and she felt her mothers grip weaken. Screams were heard as she was taken out of her mother's embrace and into another room

She somewhat has a feeling something like this was going to happen. She just wished she could spend more time with her mother. Wished that she could have one to call a mother

She reminded her self not to get greedy and that everything was temporary. She definitely did not want a repeat of what happened in her last life

She would keep quite and live a quiet life without messing the plot though she did regret not meeting the main characters she absolutely could not mess up the time line

She couldn't, she wouldn't dare to. After all she was just an visitor she didn't belong anywhere and she was content with that, a visitor that's would come and go. Like you would never see her again.


Growing up was tough and she knew that, all her relatives were dead, like the clichés and all that was left to her was her worthless ancestry

The Arwall monarch that had disappeared long before the government was made, all she had was her blue water that dangled on her neck

All she had to her name was an expensive jewel and a worthless title that caused her nothing but pain

She was now 16 and owned a bakery she made with her palms, it was a symbol of her hard work and her suffering

It was extremely hard surviving by yourself with no food or shelter not even a guardian but she survived in a cruel world who wouldn't give a damn about a child and the corpse of her dead mother

Surviving without going insane was painful yet full filing because she worked hard and it payed off, she owned her own bakery and had money she never would have thought she could get

She opened the lock and went inside her shop before speedily tying up an apron and hurriedly working on her morning batch

The door bell rang as she came out of her humid kitchen to welcome them but as soon as hse stepped out she wore a look of grimace

Standing in front of her was the richest man in town, senor Pedro, he was well over sixty and he was chasing her around the moment he saw her

A malicious grin found its way in his mouth as he sat in the parlor and rang the customer service bell

Maneuvering her way to his table she flipped her note book open and clicked her pen, ready to take his order

Smirking, he grabbed her hand and began stroking it while he spoke

"So? Have you thought about my offer?" He said whilst she yanked her hand out of his grasp, wiping her hands against her apron in disgust

Glaring at him she answered "I've already said no sir" Her answer made him angry

He was the richest man in town, have you seen the amount of women that flock him everyday just to have a taste of his money?

He was outraged, absolutely furious. He grabbed her wrist and spat in her face

"You dare reject perdro-sama's orders!?" He  angrily said while proceeding to drag her out of her own bakery

Her mind went blank, and her body began to shake. Unwanted memories sprung up and her dark skin began to pale


He continued to drag out of her kitchen and through the hallway leading to the reception where she takes orders. The man didn't even notice her start to shake

No, no, no, no, no

Her blood ran cold as her heart was thumping too many beats to even count as her breathing became unsteady. She was dragged out of the door and warm sunlight hit her face.

Please no

She tried to scream but no one looked her way

"H-Help me" She gasped, no one batted an eye as he dragged her through town. There were some worried glances here and there but ultimately no one came to rescue her

Anything but this, please

It's not like anyone could, this man knew people in the marines for heavens sake and there was no one that could defy him and he liked it that way

Was this how things end? For her to end up in the hands of a pedophile? Was she going to let herself get raped and get thrown away as soon as she was used?


Her mind switched to auto pilot and she immediately stopped walking, the man soon was struggling to walk as he felt that she was not moving

Turning back to look was probably one of the worst mistakes of his life

And for the first time ever...

Senor Pedro was punched in the face by a sixteen year old

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