Chapter 4

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Nadia La Arwall was in a cage trapped like an exotic animal.

how humilliating she thought to herself, eyeing the keys which were dangling of karin's belt. did he not process the fact she coult practically thief the keys from his belt or was he still oblivious?

correction he knew alright he just wanted to give his beloved some false hope in thinking she could escape when he had her cornered. They were in his terretory after all he knew every nook and cranny in this wasted island. the government had to keep a leash on him somehow after all.

hovering around the locked room, whisking around her meal for the day. he sat infront of her and handed her the meal he made with love and care as he began to appreciate her beauty. ahh ten years and she never failed to amaze him. he nearly massacred the messenger sent from the government when a specific decree came through with the order of capturing the isolated decendant of the primordial La Arwall monarchy that ruled over the scarce aboriginal people after the first ophiuchus impact.

some may describe this unique clan as outlandish or ingenious. their unique hair and eyes make it easy to distinguish them, their dark porcelain skin and their midnight hair, their eyes can range from the colour of revenge to the calm colour of the passing wind also giving them a perculiar affinity to whichever they feel connected to.

and with nadia's case her affinity was earth to which she called mother gaia, her personal protecter--

mein erde

munching soundlessly on her tasteless army rations she was debating whether to rebel and escape this damned island once and for all but with someone like karin she'd be suprised if she was able to leave this cage let alone flee the island like a damsel in distress

she averted her eyes and continued to snack on her rations in attempts to avoid his gaze. the gaze he'd always have whenever they were kids, she didnt think much of it then but now? her stomach was threatening to puke all the food she ingested. she now fully understood how her karin became a war hero for the oh almighty marines

loud clatter of footsteps made its way to the basement of the headquarters as the door to her prison dorm was opened as a dozen men stepped in and saluted their commander.

karin faced them with a look of absolute disgust, clicking his tongue as he gradually stood up from his prior position drilling holes at the back of the vice-captain's head with his glare

"State your buisness vice-captain" he muttered, his voice barely audible yet was heard by most people.

"Yes my liege! my report states that the infamous group has raided the base in the east after threatening to kill civillians and that we hand over most of the income from our world-wide organisation saying that we should provide monthly checks, splitting the profit 8:2"

he whipped his head to the direction of the vice-captain, turning away from nadia who wouldn't see the look on his face as he glared at the captain

"Any reason as to why you haven't apprehended these lowly ruffians by now captain" his words completely smeared in anger but the captain stood tall and stated his reasoning

"Law 4.3 section 12 which clearly says : do not engage in any form of combat whilst your captain is not available to give any commands"

karin continued to harshly glare at his captain before standing up completely and leaving amd not before bidding his nadia goodbye before teleporting himself to his office to appropriately address this concerning matter

'sometimes its best for one to not question something that would most likely be troublesome' nadia thought to herself while watching a marine guard sit himself on a chair to take a nap.

A silver shimmer caught her eye, she saw the key to her cage dangle on the hip strap of the guard. She inwardly grinned to herself, the cage wasn't made from that weird metal in one piece that makes devil fruit user's weak.

She hardened her arm and applied the weigh of her choice, a good 10,000 kilo's would surely dent the cage. She punched as hard as she could as the cage dented.

Making a mark big enough for her slim body to pass through she then grabbed her umbrella, which was coincidentally lying next to her cage.

'its like karin is expecting her to escape'

To which she honestly wouldn't be surprised about if it was true, Karin loved her and she knew that. Of course she reciprocated his feelings as familial love and nothing more. But there was something off about his weird forms of affection and something in her previous life was screaming at her to immediately run away but she couldn't quite remember anything about that topic.

Knocking out the guard and stealing his communication device, she decided to use her devil fruit as quietly as possible though that wasn't humanly possible she tried to. Reinforcing her arm with a couple hundred kilos so she could twist and turn the metal bars on the window, the space definitely wasn't something an average person could slip through. Especially it being so narrow even a child would have a hard to but not for her.

She was always fascinated in the contortionist she saw on tv, they found ways to twist and turn their bodies in ways that looked impossible and with her being in this world she did need an ace up her sleeves. She folded her legs and arms and loop them around her neck, she made herself float in which she floated through the small window.

Letting go of her previous form she opened her umbrella and floated so high in the sky she couldn't even see the island anymore. She sighed in relief as she grinned maniacally to herself, 'Bet karin didn't expect this' she thought to herself.

She looked around, surveying whether the coast was clear. Karin could always teleport out of nowhere and snatch her away like the last time, but he would never know she left in the first place. Nadia placed a wooden clone in the cell and straightened tue bars so no-one would've ever thought she escaped.

Gliding across the skies, she looked back to see how far she was from that hell hole before she lowered herself down again. The altitude was definitely taking a toll on her and she felt her lungs about to burst but she smiled in happiness. Nadia rejoiced for her freedom from that suffocating island she once called her home, and she was finally able to run away from Karin for the first time in twelve years.

She danced across the warm, calm amd glossy sea as her toes were barely touching the surface. She turned her giant umbrella upside-down and sat on it, floating aimlessly at sea she didn't mind being lost at sea. As nadia la arwall was finally set free.

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