Chapter 5

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Blocking out the screams of pain and agony before him, that lovely expression he displayed towards his beloved was nowhere to be seen. He crushed the hand under his feet without care then kicked his face. The man spat out a few teeth and blood splatters decorated the floor in an abstract way.

He crunched the wooden doll in his hands and molded it as if were clay, a look of disinterest was casted on his beautiful features, his blonde locks hanging prettily around him. With that face, you would never expect such a gory scene.

He held his gaze on the cage and then bitterly chuckled to himself, who is he to blame for her disappearance other than himself? He was the one who let her go in his home, his island

Seeing her after twelve years felt surreal, he wanted to believe she'd changed. He thought that if the government was after her then she could seek protection from him and would do his role not only as a man but as her man but what did he expect? He wanted to hold tight on the reigns but he let loose thinking she'd never leave.

She left like she did twelve years prior and he hated it. He could never piece together what was so wrong with him that she was always running away.

A vein popped out of his jawline as he narrowed his eyes, crushing the toy in his hands.

'Fine I'll join your little goose chase and this time I'll lock you up for good'

Nadia La Arwall was stranded in the sea on an upside-down umbrella, with absolutely no navigational skills or even the necessary rations for the journey. she was surrounded by nothing but sea and seeing her disheveled self in the water wasn't the best thing she had to pass the time, she looked around for even any birds to guide her but the sky was also a pale blue.

she was starting to get fed up with all this and wouldn't mind strolling back into the cage she escaped from a few days ago if it meant not being stranded in this depressing state she happened to be in. she stretched he legs outside the umbrella, her toes dancing lightly on the sea making small ripples along the water.

she could make out a small boat in the distance, rejoicing she sat up and spun around her umbrella in happiness. she could finally have a decent meal or maybe she have a shower but all excitement turned to naught when she saw a medium-sized boat with a sheep's head attached to it. 

Nadia may have been very dark-skinned but color visibly drained out of her when she she familiar colours of green, blonde and orange and worst of all they were heading directly for her in her dingey little umbrella floating in the sea.

she couldn't float due to low energy and she couldn't swim either so she decided to close her eyes, hope for the best and crouch low enough not to see her down below. the boat passed her slightly.

but the plan didn't work as she heard obnoxiously loud voice above her 


she smacked herself in the forehead and peaked up slightly only to see four heads staring right down at her with shocked expressions. she laughed awkwardly before waving slightly. anyone would be shocked at a weird girl in an umbrella in the middle of sea.

they started shouting everywhere as chaos ensued as she could hear things along the lines of a girl in the sea!? and more shouts of we need rope! and more things

She chuckled awkwardly to herself as she left it all up to fate to decide. She has officially given up and decided to hand the reigns to someone other than her useless self. She saw the slightly tanned boy with a long nose through rope fow to her as she caught it. She stepped on the rope and folded her umbrella and climbed up extremely slow. She dreaded meeting the main characters even though she would love to interact with them with all her heart she could seriously mess up the time line.

Once she jumped over she blinked at the many people surrounding her, she could see all the main characters looking at her with a range of different expressions. Some were slightly questionable but she decided to break the deafening silence.

She slightly bowed to them and plastered a massive smile on her face as she spoke "Thank you for helping me I really appreciate it!"


She sweat dropped while still bowing, the silence was as loud as ever. She straightened herself up and saw all the bewildered stares as the orange girl snapped out of it and answered.

"A-Ah yes your welcome!" She spoke in a rushed way while nudging the person next to her and glared at them as she continued to speak

"May I ask why you were stranded at sea with an umbrella...?"

'Good question actually'

Her mind was blank as she scrambled through her brain to find a worthy excuse but her body beat her to it.

"I...I'm being hunted by the government...?"

'SHIT I just ratted myself out :' )'

The supposed silence marathon continued and the stares increased. She looked down at the ground because she didn't know who to stare at and staring at five people at once wasn't the best thing.

"So your like us?"

'huh what did you say?' she looked up bewildered at whoever spoke to which she found out was a very confused usopp "We are being hunted too...?"

She then looked at lufffy and audibly gasped before reaching out in her pocket and took out a wanted poster that had a very similar person.

"Is this you!?" she announced flabbergasted.

He looked at her shocked then smiled brightly "Wow Woah you know me!?"

Before she could nod the orange haired girl gasped and said something which would happen to shock everybody. Even herself.

"You're that girl that's being hunted by every government branch in the grandline and the new world!?"

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