Chapter 3

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Nadia La Arwall was officially a criminal, and she absolutely hated it.

After that stunt yesterday she returned home and closed her shop down, she was already foreseeing the consequence. She was most likely going to be on the run.

The island she was born on and so ever lovingly cherished turned their back on her, she wasn't angry and she certainly didn't expect this outcome but they tried every possible way to get rid of the pest freeloading on their land

Their Territory and they didn't forgive out casts nor outsider's, she was simply a visitor and her visit was overdue long time ago

Gathering up her savings, she quickly sold her cafe before dawn and by the time that was over the sun was beginning to rise.

She grabbed her custom made umbrella and jumped swiftly onto the roof of her cafe, she the opened up her umbrella and muttered some incoherent phrases


She felt herself weight lighter and lighter until her feet were not touching the ground and she jumped from building to building, carefully trying not wake any villagers and practically informing them of her escape plan

She made herself a one kilograms so she had a small amount of weight to allow herself to guide her body mid-air. She knew that the previous user in the anime clearly didn't use the fruit to its potential.

And your probably wondering why she didn't take a fruit like the mera mera no mi. Well she did consider since he would die pretty soon but she was planning on saving him so she Couldn't. A waste of potential

The kiro kiro no mi wa like a diamond in rogue, it had so much potential yet the previous owner had only polished it slightly ignoring the shimmer and shine to it. And also failed to recognise the radiance and it was a soon to be forgotten fruit in the anime

Not many people paid attention on to the alabasta arc though it was interesting, as she had been floating she saw a marine ship and turned the opposite way

She was not going to get caught today and and quite frankly never to be exact because she has priorities and being held captive with people that are all bark yet no bite she'd rather join the revolutionary army than become a captive of the good for nothing marines

Change of plan she needed to get of this island and fast, the marines were docking and were soon to flood the island in search of the descendant of the prehistoric monarch that held absolute control over the government

This was absolute nonsense and she was blamed and shamed, was told that if she met him do what he wanted with her then they wouldn't be isolating until the marines had left the island

They wanted her to let him touch her? Without her consent, she was also underage and worst of all she was supposed to give him 'permission?'

Absolute and utter bullshit

Ahh she was never used to swearing but at times when the world would be infuriating she needed some way to let out some steam

Apparently punching a high-ranking noble is an immediate life sentence in enies lobby, even though he was sexually harassing her what was a weak sixteen year old going to do?

Oh how this world was extremely prejudice, sexist and absolutely misogynist. Women held no significance and were treated as objects

It was completely aggravating, and she wanted to stop it all. But she needed power. And power she had.


Nadia's village ratted her out and she was now on the run with more than a hundred marine soldiers chasing her. She mentally cursed them under her breath.

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