"Fuck you, I aint telling shit."

5 0 0

"Oh, man." I say and practically throw myself on the bed.

I look at Romeo and realize I didn't let them out today. I get up in a flash.

"I will be back." I say to Tyler, peck him on the lips and leave.

"Cmon let's go." I say to my dogs and they follow me.

I didn't actually go outside the walls I was on the fresh air.

They start sniffing all around, tail wiggling and them playing with each other. I threw them ball, and played with them. God I missed them. They did all their needs so I was free for tonight.

I'd say I was kinda into it, and after an hour and a half we started getting back to my room.

I get in my room, and see Tyler already in deep sleep.

How? We literally just slept.

I look around my room, and notice a shelf with books, notebooks.. Hmm...this was someone's room wasn't it? I hope they didn't die a painful death. I take a random book and one notebook.

I sit for the table, turning on a small flashlight, enough for me to see.

I open the notebook first and see beautiful sketches, arts inside. Person was very talented.

I notice a signature.

"Hmm... Evelyn?" I say and turn a page to see a sketch of woman screaming, tearing her skin apart.

".... Yikes...." I say on the view.

Half of the notebook was sketches and now I opened to a.... song?

"You must think that I'm splendid

We are drilling and drilling and drilling and drilling
Ooh - arts

One minute you're here and the next you're partitioning

Baby, I love your bands

Decreasing at night

Electronica, let's talk about the electronica
Reckless playing "

I stop for a moment and think about it. I think it's really beautiful.

I turn the page and see another one.

" Reckless playing,

I've been playing first

I thought I could make it

The guilt is eating me up,

What should I do, do, do?

You're right, I never deserved you

Maybe I should just kill myself and let
you be happy?"

I slowly close the notebook, and lean on the chair.

I feel tears in my eyes, but I stop myself. I can't cry. I can't.

I look at Tyler sleeping in my bed and just put my hand on my face.

I remember Saem, and then it suddenly hit me.

Oh my God. I have cheated on my significant other. Fuck. Shit. Shit.

I feel the sudden heavy guilt feeling in my chest, I wanted to cry, scream, yell... but couldn't.

"I'll... I'll go to Saem tommorow and tell him we're over. Right...? That's the right thing to do. I-.... I should..... I should just-" I keep saying in my head when I see Tyler turning to the side.

I quickly rub my eyes, and pretend im writing something.

Oh my God fuck. Fuck.

Maybe I should break up with Tyler and be with Saem?..
No.. I can't do that... He has a wife...
Who's cheating on him... and well he on her...

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