Curiosity of the Elf King

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3rd POV
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A woman falls into a magical world, is trapped in an elven kingdom, but manages to make her escape. This leads to a meeting with the elven king.
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This is blatant Thranduil fanfic with names switched out. Also, whaddya think? Should I make a part 2? I'm probably gonna regardless.
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Lungs heaving and breathing ragged, the Callidora ran her fastest through the forest after escaping from the dungeons of an elven castle. 

One fateful day, maybe a week or two ago, she had gone from reading comfortably in her apartment turned partial library to falling from the sky! The brown woman had apparently landed within the borders of an elven kingdom, and the king was apparently a stickler for borders, so she was immediately dragged into the dungeons. She didn't get to meet the king--the guards said she'd committed too petty a crime for her to be graced with his presence. 

Luckily, her bookish hyperfixation had lended her to a long but somewhat smaller obsession with lockpicking (as well as bejeweled knives and tiaras).

Calli's eyes darted around as she continued to run. Had she lost the guards who'd been dutifully chasing after her?

A cry came from ahead which took her out of her thoughts. An injured doe had curled itself up to the roots of a tree in front of her.

"Oh dear," she whispered to no one, pun not intended. She knelt down before the poor creature, looking over the injury on its hind leg. She knew first aid, but that wasn't enough to help the little animal.

"I'm sorry," the raven haired woman whispered, petting the doe's head gently, "I can't do anything to make you better." She let it rub its head on her smooth, tawny brown skin. She hoped it found some sort of comfort in her naturally soft voice, and wondered if there were really nothing she could do for it.

"Human!" She nearly jumped in the air. Her head turned just slightly to see him, an elven guard. Male, tall, mustard brown skin with copper tiger stripes painted all over his unconcealed arms and face.

"Ah, hello . . ." Callidora smiled awkwardly. Her attention went back to the doe for a second. Looking back up at the man, she asked, "Can you do anything for them?"

The guard was taken aback, his ears perking up slightly, but all she could see was the widening of his eyes. He quickly recomposed himself. 

"Yes," he answered, his deep voice softer now, "we can. We will care for it while we take you to see the king." She could only nod, staring up at him with her big, sapphire eyes. He wasn't quite sure what to make of her. Wait, see the king? Was he actually going to bother himself now?

Two guards hauled her up by the hood of her deep blue hoodie, and dragged her away to ride on someone's horse by the armpits. The group rode with her recaptured back to the castle. Calli admired its cool earthy tones and unique architecture, its build which she was sure would be homely and comforting if she were anyone else. She wasn't able to look at much before they arrived at the towering front doors. They all dismounted, and she was grabbed by the biceps and dragged in.

Through the halls she and the guards went, before walking through the elaborately decorated doors that led to the throne room, and it was a beautiful throne room. It was practically one with the forest, the stair path that led to a highly raised platform, with intricate pillars rising up to the sky high ceiling. On that platform was the throne, which seemed to be carved from the base of a tree, with branches all around that held illuminating lanterns of white light and gold details. It was truly something out of a fairytale. Callidora, as her and the guards approached the throne and stopped before it, found herself much more interested in the ethereal man that sat upon the throne.

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