Chapter One: Nothing of Note Happened During this Visit

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"You deserve to be loved." He gently ran his hand down her long brown hair. She tensed up as he did so, her hands clasped tightly together and resting on her lap. She absentmindedly twiddled her thumbs. It seemed like nothing he said ever got through to her; like the wall that she had built around her so long ago simply refused to crumble - refused to give in to the love and kindness that she had been starved of her whole life.
"You do know that I love you more than I've ever loved anyone before, right?"
Still, she didn't reply, and instead furrowed her brow ever so slightly. Continuing to stare straight ahead at the nothing on the floor. There was a brief moment of silence between them - with only the muffled murmurs of the neighbour's television, and the low buzzing of the fridge creating any sound - before she shakily drew a breath, preparing to speak.
"I don't want to go home." Her voice was barely audible. The slight trembling of her shoulders that she tried to suppress, the bruise on her wrist, and her hand - which had appeared to have been slammed by a door - gave Aaron more than enough information about what was going on under the Ranmore's roof.
"You can always stay the night here." He tucked a few loose strands of Julie's hair behind her ear.
"No," she protested softly, "I can't. I told Michael I was going for a walk. I've already been out an hour, I need to get back."
"Why didn't you tell him you were going to Angela's?"
Julie sighed as if the weight of the world had been placed wholly on her fragile shoulders, "I don't want to drag her into this mess even more than I have. It's not fair on her," Julie stood up, "besides, she thinks we aren't seeing each other anymore."
"We aren't "seeing" each other." Aaron stood up too. He towered over Julie's tiny frame. He placed his hand on her cheek; she flinched.
"I wish you'd leave him, Julie."
She glanced at him. Her large dark eyes seemed more hollow and empty than the deepest hole in the earth. It seemed to Aaron that she was gazing through him, rather than at him.
"Goodbye, Aaron." Julie headed for the door.
"Please tell me this won't be the last time I see you. We haven't seen each other in almost a year - and even then, the last time we did see each other was when we exchanged a quick glance at my friend's wedding," he waited for her response, but she gave none and instead stared intently at the door, "I need to know that you're safe, Julie."
"If..." Julie's voice faltered before she could even get out a sentence. Wrapping her hand around the door handle, she took a second to collect herself. Then she continued, "if Michael finds out that I've seen you - even just once - it would anger him. And possibly make things worse... if you want me to be safe, it would be wisest to stay away from me." And with that, she stepped out of Aaron's apartment room and made her way back home. Aaron didn't give chase. Nor did he text, call, or attempt to contact her in any way at all. He figured that Julie was right. That if Michael was already hurting her - then him discovering that they had been communicating would just exacerbate the abuse. Still, Aaron couldn't just sit back and let Julie face the wrath of her husband. He had to do something... but what?

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