Chapter Eight: Bleach

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"Michael..?" Julie said cautiously.
"What?" He didn't take his eyes off the television screen.
"D-do you think you might... uh," her voice wobbled, "get a job? Soon?"
"Why should I? He sloppily stuffed a handful of crisps into his mouth, "You're already doing overtime, aren't you?"
"Yes, but..." She subconsciously pinched her hand; digging her nails into the skin, "we're in debt, Michael."
"Well who's fault is that, then?" Finally looking at his wife, "who's fault is it that I lost my job?"
Julie didn't reply.
"It's your fault, isn't it?"
Julie darted her eyes to the floor.
"Isn't it?!" He raised his voice; his grip on the can of beer getting tighter.
"Yes." She answered - not entirely sure what she was admitting to.
"If you hadn't been such an inattentive wife - if you hadn't been off fucking some guy half your age - then I wouldn't have had a go at Aaron, and that bitch wouldn't have seen it and reported me, and I wouldn't have been fired!" Michael threw the can at Julie, missing her head by an inch. However, it wasn't empty, and the remaining contents splashed across her face and t-shirt.
"So fuck me getting a job! Pick up extra shifts at the hotel and start working Thursdays, you lazy bitch!"
"I'm working all the hours I can, Michael. I work 18-hour shifts most days-"
"Then work 18-hour shifts every day."
"And I do work Thursdays now."
"Not last Thursday, you didn't."
"Well... that was because-"
"That was because you were whoring yourself out to that dickhead. I saw the hickey on your neck. You're not slick, Julie."
She kept quiet.
"Do you really think he sees you as anything more than somewhere to put his dick? Jesus, Julie you put out more than a 20-year-old college girl. You're a wife and a mother, start acting like one."
"Aaron loves me more than you do."
"Aaron doesn't hit me."
Michael stood up, "you deserve it Julie and you know it!" He laughed somewhat maniacally, "you really believe that this boy who's young enough to be your son loves you." He shook his head, "You're delusional. How long do you think he's going to have an interest in you? Truly? How long?"
"He said he loves me."
"That's not love - that's lust. All he wants is something to hold him over until he's found a girl his own age. And once that happens, you'll be out of the picture forever. He won't even remember your name in a year's time."
"He said that he loves me..." She whispered, her heart sinking to the pit of her stomach. Suddenly she felt two inches tall.
"Why would he love someone like you? You're passed your prime, Julie. What have you got to offer him aside from a fuck? You couldn't give him children. I mean, look what happened the last time you were pregnant. And you'll most likely be dead by the time he's 60, so it's not like you could grow old together. I'm the only one who'll tolerate you now, Julie," he approached his wife and cupped her chin, forcing her to look up at him, "so take that stupid fantasy out of your head." Michael kissed her on the lips; she made no attempt to kiss him back.
"I'll be in our room," he headed for the stairs, "I expect you to be in our bed in less than 10 minutes."

Julie swallowed. Seven more minutes and she would need to be in bed; ready for her husband to do whatever he wanted to her. She opened a cabinet drawer - lots of strong chemicals in bottles with warning labels. She took out a big yellow bleach bottle.

Contains SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE, SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE. May be corrosive to metals. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.

IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.

IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.

Julie silently gawked at the bottle in her hand. I tried to burn my skin with this stuff once... such an idiotic idea. What was I thinking? I remember reading about a young girl who passed away due to drinking bleach. I wonder what it felt like. If she was scared or... if she was so suicidal that she didn't care. You must be far enough gone that you'd want to die via corrosion of your organs. What an awful way to go... so painful... I wonder what life would be like without me. What Maxine and Dean would do... how they would cope... I've never really been close with Dean, not as close as I am with Maxine... or... as I was with Maxine. He probably thinks I hate him. I wouldn't blame him for hating me... I wouldn't blame anyone for hating me... Michael would have to get off his ass if I died. Aaron could move on and be with a girl... Angela... she wouldn't have to constantly deal with trying to help me sort out my problems. Bless her. I don't know what I'd do without her... Hugh would have to find a replacement for me. I wonder who he'd choose. Probably someone very good. Very competent. Very reliable. Soneone who would ever cause a scene at the hotel in front of the guests... sounds quite nice, actually.

She put the bleach back where she found it, and went upstairs.

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