Chapter Four: Blurry Events

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Angela had searched nearly everywhere for Julie: the main clubbing area, the women's bathroom, the men's bathrooms (Angela had to consider every possible option whilst Julie was under the influence), and out the front and back of the building. No sign. Julie hadn't been answering her phone either.

8 missed calls, 12 text messages, and an hour later Angela decided to report Julie missing to the police. She went outside to escape the blaring music and crowd hubbub when she saw Julie stumbling back towards the club. She was holding onto a man that Angela didn't recognise. A much younger man. Julie's already short dress had been hitched up, and her breasts were almost spilling out of her bra. Her hair was a mess, and her make up smudged. Angela squinted her eyes at the lad.

Julie - once she saw Angela - staggered over to her friend
"Julie where were you? I was about to call the police."
"She was with me, don't worry." The young man answered for her.
"We had sex." Julie laughed loudly, falling onto the pavement and scraping her knee, "oh fuck..." She laughed again, "that's what we did." She slurred her words.
"Christ, Julie..." Angela directed her attention to the man, "and who are you? I don't think Julie even knows you."
"Me and her just met tonight. She's a real babe, even though she is a good bit older than me." He chuckled.
"Yeah and she's real drunk, too."
The boy rolled his eyes, "it was just a bit of fun-"
"Oh what? You think it's fun to take advantage of an intoxicated woman? I mean, look at how drunk she is for heaven's sake! She can't even stand up!"
Julie heaved, "I'm gonna be sick."
Angela squated down to Julie's level, stroking her hair, "It's okay Ju, I'm gonna bring you home now."
"No not to my house." She heaved again.
"No, no, I'm taking you back to mine, don't worry."
The young man began walking to the doors of the club.
"Hey! I'm not through with you!" Angela stood up and marched towards him, "I should call 999 and report you for what you did."
"For what?!"
"For rape, you numbskull!"
"What? I didn't rape her, she was all over me!"
"She's drunk out of her mind! She can't give consent in the state she's in!"
"Oh fuck off. You're just jealous 'cause I didn't bang you." He rolled his eyes and made his way inside the building.
Angela clenched her fists at her side; otherwise she would've swung at him.

"Angela." Julie cried out before vomiting up everything she drank that night. Angela pulled back Julie's hair from her face.
"I don't feel well." Julie sobbed.
"I know. You just drank too much. I'm gonna call us a taxi now, you'll be in bed before you know it."
At hearing that, Julie made an indecipherable sound before laying down on the ground next to her own vomit.

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