Chapter Seven: There's a First (and Second) Time for Everything

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Aaron spooned with Julie in his bed. After their night outside, they went back to Aaron's apartment and snuggled up close to one another - talking for an hour or so before eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.

"What would you have called our baby... if they had been born... and if we stayed together?"
Aaron thought for a moment, kissing each of Julie's fingers, "Ethan, if he was a boy. Lola, if she was a girl."
Julie exhaled, "he was a boy."
"You knew the baby's gender?"
"Yes... I found out a month... a month before it happened."
"Ethan..." Aaron frowned; keeping his tears at bay.
"Ethan." Julie repeated quietly.

More than a few minutes passed before Aaron posed Julie a question:
"Would you ever consider trying again? For a baby, I mean."
Julie propped herself up on her elbows, "Aaron..." her heart grew heavy, "Aaron, I couldn't. I can't. I need to concentrate on fixing my marriage."
Aaron sat up, closing the gap between them, "You're much to good for him, Julie. I know how he treats you."
"That was just a one-off."
"I know that's not true."
Julie threw the duvet off her legs and got out of bed, "I should go. I shouldn't be here."
"He forgot about your birthday."
"Doesn't matter. I'm used to it."
"That is exactly my point. Why be with someone who doesn't care enough to even wish you a happy birthday?"
Julie put her clothes back on; not answering.
Aaron got out of his bed, walked towards Julie, and cupped her face in his hands, "You're back working at the hotel, making good money. I have an apartment which I can pay for myself. You could leave him, and still pay off your half of the mortgage. You could leave him, and Dean and Maxine would still have a home. Why waste your life slaving away for a man who cares so little about you?"
"I've built a life with Michael. I can't-"
"But you can. You can start anew. You can still keep in contact with your children-"
"They would hate me for leaving."
"How do you know? Surely they see how awfully he treats you."
Julie pulled back. Lifting her phone from the dresser she saw 23 unopened text messages, and 14 missed calls.

Michael 22:56 Where did you go?

Maxine 00:05 Mum where are you?

Dean 00:35 Where r u? Dad's getting mad

Angela 00:48 Michael called me. Said you've left without telling him where you're were going. Hope everything is OK, Ju ❤

Michael 01:10 Julie get back here now. I'm not playing around, do you want me to call the police? Again?!

Maxine 01:13 Mum????

Dean 01:20 Hello? Get back to me ASAP. Hope everyfings okay

Angela 01:36 Ju?

Michael 01:44 Calling the police Julie. How many times are you going to run away?

Maxine 02:04 Mum? Please call or text me. I only want to know that you're safe. I love you <3

Dean 02:05 Dad called 911 and reported u missing. He's rlly angry. Finks uve gone back to that fella u were wif.

Angela 02:34 Julie love please let someone know where you are ❤❤

Michael 04:00 5hours jluie 5vfuckgn hojrs. Get tour ass back here now or you'll nevrr see your kids again

Maxine 04:09 Mummy I love you so much <3 <3 <3 <3

Dean 04:11 Dad's angry as hell mum. Smashing shit in the kitchen. Maxines scared but she safe shes wif me rn.

Angela 04:37 Maxine called me, she said she thinks you're dead. Ju call her and let her know you're safe. I hope you're safe.

Michael 05:22 I'm gnna break yoru arm put you in the hospital llek I did the last time uyo played stupod games with me

Maxine 08:15 you're still not home. Are you dead? Please don't be dead. I love you. Come home. We need you <3

Dean 10:04 dad's drinking again. Drinking lots. He got drunk last night too. When u come home be careful around him

Dean 10:05 if u come home.

Angela 12:39 ju honey I heard you're still not home. If you're scared of going home you can come to mine. You know my door will forever be open to you ❤xx

Michael 1:23 dont boyher Comign home

Julie opened the front door, "hello?" She called out. She heard slight commotion from upstairs, before she saw Maxine sprint down to her. Julie embraced her daughter in a hug, she saw Dean in the second floor landing. He had a disapproving look plastered across his face.
"I am so sorry. Maxine, Dean, I never meant to frighten you-"
"Too late for that." Michael yelled. He was in the doorway to the living room, clutching a bottle of bourbon in his left hand. He marched towards his wife, "where the fuck have you been?"
Julie let go of her daughter, "go upstairs to your room, sweetheart. I'll be up shortly."
"Answer me, bitch!" Michael screamed.
"Don't use that language with me, Michael."
"Answer me now." He gritted his teeth.
Don't let him push you around. Don't let him win.
"You really want to know where I was?"
"I was with Aaron, and do you want to know why I was with Aaron?! Because you forgot my bloody birthday!" She screamed back. A mistake. Michael punched her square in the face; knocking her to the ground.

Julie's nose felt as if it was now in her brain. She felt something trickled onto her lips, she wiped it off. Blood. Dean rushed down the stairs to pull Maxine away from their father. Michael smashed the bottle on the wall. Glass shards flew everywhere.
"M-M-M." He mocked his cowering wife. He gripped a fistful of her hair, forcing her to look at him, "do you want a repeat of the last time you tried to leave me?" He asked calmly... too calmly.
"N-no." Julie whined.
"Dad stop!" Dean grabbed his dad's shoulder, pulling him away from his mother, "Please don't hurt her. Don't hurt her like you did that time."
"She's a slag! A whore! She deserves all she fucking gets!"
Maxine stood in shock and silence, she had no clue what they were referencing.
"I'm-I'm sorry." Julie found herself apologising yet again.
"'I'm sorry' isn't good enough when you don't mean it, Julie."
"I do mean it Michael. I do, I do." She cried, blood dripping from her almost broken nose, down past her lips and her chin, and onto the floor.
"Dad leave it... please." Dean begged.
Michael pointed his finger at Julie, "You're gonna need to do a lot of dick sucking to make up for last night, you good-for-nothing tart."

Dean rushed to his mother's aid after Michael had retreated back to his seat in front of the television.
"Let me help you, mum." Dean offered.
"No... no sweetheart, I'm alright. I just need to sit here until the dizziness passes... I truly didn't mean to scare either of you. I didn't keep track of the time, I wasn't near my phone. I know that's not an excuse, and I'm so very sorry."

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