Chapter 2- Full Truth Or Half?

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The rebels in the city were increasing now day by day. The whole scenario of the city was changed. The blackish-yellow clouds all around, city all covered with dust, some dead bodies were also lying on the ground.

People were fighting more dreadfully and killing each other dis-piteously. It was like Humanity in them was vanishing day by day. As a day passed there was always a fear of new fight coming to the door on following day. People couldn't eat or sleep or even walk peacefully. All had a small knife kept in their pocket to save themselves from any attacks that may take place the fight could happen. They wanted to keep themselves and their family and loved ones safe.

The squad was curiously interested to know the reasons behind such devastating fights but whenever they asked their alders about it they always refused to answer and changed the topic by saying that they are still very young to know all about it and advised them to stay away from all these stuff and rather focus on their studies and their childhood life.

A curious person can be prevented from untold things for long time and after-all in this case there were four curious people instead of one so how can they be prevented if many people wanted them to be?!

Charlie's mother Mrs Morris Jones was a very supportive and helping mother. She was very co-operative to her kid and her family. But she could be danger if you harass her for long against her will. The squad knew this and were already taking precautions to not to irritate her. All of them were sweet but naughty also. They often broke the vases and the plates. From the very next day each member of their squad decided to repeatedly ask their parents the reasons for fights and so Charlie did.

One early morning Mama M, which was short form for Mrs Morris, came to wake Charlie up. Charlie as soon as he woke up started asking the reason for all the fights by which his mother got tensed and denied for any answers. The morning was cloudy and charlie felt drowsy. Mama M. did all the house chores and called Charlie for having lunch, when suddenly she had a ring on her phone and it was the call from her best friend Julia.

Julia was mother of Mellisa and was also a neighbor to Jones. She had her own bakery famous for its pastries and cookies. She was best friend and the tea partner of Morris.

The chit-chatting of both continued when Mrs Morris took out a topic telling her friend about unceasing questions of Charlie about the fights and his curiousness to know the reason behind it. To her surprise she heard something she didn't even expect and found out that Mellisa was also constantly asking questions to her mom on same topic. She got so shocked and hanged up the call by saying to talk later.

Charlie was standing in dining hall since 20 minutes and overheard a single word of her mother talking with Mrs Julia. He was actually trying to spy his mother

He kept hidden near the couch to listen. When his mom came he got up and pretended like he didn't hear a single word of the conversation.

He was waiting for a perfect moment since all day to ask his mom all about the truth.


The very next afternoon in the parlor he found his mom having tea and for him it was the perfect time to ask her all about the truth. He sat by his mom and started a random conversation for some time. Then he unfolded the topic and started by saying that the previous afternoon he overheard her mom's and Aunt Julia's conversation. By hearing this Mama M was sweating by the fear of what was going to come next.

Charlie wanted to be straight forward and told all what he heard to his mom. His mother freaked out when she was told to tell the whole story.

But now she decided to be strong and tell the whole story to him for his own good.

She told the story which followed like this:

"It all started 3-4 years back. One astrologer named Martin saw in future and said to everyone that there is a hidden treasure in the town and which will be found by children's aged between 12-18. But the prize comes with the fear of death, as said by the astrologer.The elders wanted money but not by risking their own child's life or future. They all arranged a meeting of people living in the town to decide whether to tell their children and the upcoming generations about the secret. This meeting certainly didn't turn out good. The people which were united first now got separated in two groups ones in favor of telling and ones in against. The conditions worsened day by day. Quarreling and Fighting had a severe impact on the people and they became furious day by day. And now, they were so much parted that their differences and fights couldn't be ended." 

After hearing the story Charlie got astonished by the truth and especially by knowing that there is a secret treasure hidden in his own city.

His mom added "The first clue out of three was found by one day near an abandoned villa. It said that the second clue is hidden deep in the sea hidden and protected by some creatures. People didn't research further as all agreed not to risk their child's life."  Mrs Morris told the half story and not full intending to hide the rest of it from Charlie for sometime until he becomes old enough to tell him all the truth.

Charlie decided to call the squad immediately and gather at their regular spot which was 'The Park'. When Charlie told his team all about the truth he just heard from his mom, He was met with a flabbergasting look and every one responded "what!?" and Charlie said "yes, yes, shall I repeat my story?"  intending to tease. Everyone giggled. To this they decided to find out the treasure as per their tendency and their adventurous nature they wouldn't stop finding anything once they know it is hard and full of fears. 

They thought to name their squad with some mysterious name which would give them spy like feeling and also make them feel cool!

So they named their squad as "The Daredevils"

Now they knew they had to be more determined, confident and most importantly careful and vigilant. Susanne said - "Charlie, you have to be more spying on your mom!" laughingly.

They were tired and wanted to pass the evening either passing time with friends or completing their school stuff. So they all agreed to keep the mysteries aside for that day and decided to get on with task by very next day!


What do you think now will happen to the secret?

Will Daredevils able to know the full story behind the secret?

Will they find that Charlie's mom was lying? And if yes what will happen next??
For knowing all these you have to keep reading!!!

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