Chapter 3- The Confusion

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a/n: I am so sorry to update after sooo long time! But I was busy in my exams and stuff. I really missed you guys and even writing my story!! I will update soon now...

Now let's get into the story


It was a great summer morning with the sun rising up slowly in the sky and birds flying around happily.

Charlie was sleeping soundly in the bed when he heard someone shout to him in his ears. He woke up drowsily to see who was there. He found Jake sitting beside him. Jake groaned and said in exhaustion - "Thank god that you woke up finally!! I was trying to wake you up since 15!!" "We all are waiting for you near our secret place and you are here sleeping?!! We..." Before Jake could continue further he was cut by Charlie. "WHY DO YOU SPEAK SO MUCH?" "Just let me sleep" said Charlie with giving emphasis to word 'sleep'.

Jake spoke up again and said something by which Charlie couldn't sleep anymore and had to wake up. "Daredevils are waiting for you and we need to discuss something very important regarding what Ms Morris said yesterday you idiot! Just wake up!!" Charlie jumped and got up on his bed and adjusted his hair real quick and did his morning routine so fast that he seemed like a fast running train.


"Can you be a little bit quick Charles?" asked Jake.

Yeah you read it correct. 'Charles'. It was what his very close friends called him.

Charlie was ready and they went to their secret place, which was a bit far away from Charlie's and Mellisa's home. It was a small park in which right in the corner there was a small semi-circle room they made into their secret place. And no doubt the girls decorated it quite wells


The discussion starts

"I don't know why but it feels like your mother is hiding something" starts Susanne. "And why do you think so?" Interrogates Charlie. He again spoke up "I didn't feel like it when she was speaking". They thought for a while when Jake said "I think Susanne is correct. Mrs Morris seemed quite nervous while she was speaking and I think she was even sweating. And if what is Susanne said is correct how will we find the correct story?" "What do you feel like Mellisa about all this?" asked Charlie facing Mellisa "I am yet confused. But even I felt Mrs Morris was stuttering sometime in between. And I am kinda agreeing with Susanne." said Mellisa. Jake was in bewildered to weather trust his mother or agree with his friends. He said "Ugh I-I d-don't know what to do I am so..." "See Charles I know you might be confused but right now you need to think broadly and for a second forget that she is your mother and think what do you feel like about it?" spoke Susanne as she cut Charlie in between of the sentence as she knew what would he say.

Charlie was the most fearless and adventurous among all of his friends. Mellisa was the intelligent one and was incredibly great at Math. Jake was the Map Guy and could easily solve, identify, make maps and that too so perfectly that his directions never failed. He was also good at languages and could read and write in many languages. Susanne was the riddle solver and could easily figure answers of riddles. She was also good at GK and which made her always feel curious.

Charlie agreed to Susanne and took his time to think. He looked at the watch and had a shock. "It's time for school guys...we need to hurry up. We are already late than usual." said Charlie. Jake responded to this, "Yeah, we can discuss this issue later. Right now we need to reach school on time."

They all walked to school together.


After the school

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