Chapter 6 - First Step Towards The Task

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A/N:  It took me a bit long as i was suffering from exams ;) But like I said there is a surprise awaiting for updating the story so read authors note at the end! happy reading  :p


It was the last day before the summer break begins, which means last day after which they will have to be full on the target of undercovering the mystery!

Charlie was already in thoughts about Mellisa's words the other day about taking Claire into the team.

He was in a dilemma, he wanted and also not wanted her to be a part of task. The main reason of not wanting was, trust.

He didn't want to break the real story to everyone and didn't trust many people about the task as it had to be kept secretive and the squad was needed to be really helpful.

The other reason was also that, she knew about his ego.

After a lot of thinking at night, a fresh morning awaited. Since so long he was waiting for the vacation to start like any other person. He got ready for school, hung his bag on shoulder and started walking. He met his friends in school.

Not to specify that Claire was also there. He was still in thinking about Claire in the team.

Jake took him out of his thoughts by asking what was up with him that he looked a bit tensed.

"Hey its nothing man! Anyways hello everyone and also bye" He said that much, only that much and started walking

Everyone was shocked.

"Was it because I am also here?" Claire asked

"no no it's not like that. He sometimes is like this. Leave it he would come to his original soon" Susanne replied with a smile on her face. They all then after went to their own classes

The school ended...Very last day before the vacation ended. Everyone was in good mood.

Claire and Charlie came out of the same class when Claire asked him, "Uh- Charlie can you come with me for a second?"

"And why do you want so?" Charlie questioned back looking confused. "Just come" Claire dragged him to a corner

"I was thinking this since long, but Susanne said that you would come back to original in a while so I did not question. But now I feel like, I should" She began "Are you tensed because of me? Maybe you did not talk to your friends as I was standing there or.." she was cut by Charlie

"It is not like that Claire. I was just into some deep thoughts and..and yeah"

"Looks like someone is a deep thinker over here" she said when they both started laughing.

They met other out in the park waiting for them.

"Hey guys! So finally we have break now!" Charlie told referring to all of them

"yeah and we have Charlie in good mood finally." Jake said laughing

"Before anything else, I would like to ask Claire a few questions, to which I want honest answers Claire" Charlie spoke up again

"uh oh sounds serious" said Claire. "SO are you good at keeping secrets? And are you interested in mysteries?" he asked. "yeah I guess I am and about the mysteries, oh I love them and I love adventures too." She answered quickly

"Then we have you in the squad!" "that's what you wanted to say right Charlie?" Susanne said happily

"yeah yeah whatever. Upon you all's requests I accepted it" Charlie shrugged while others scoffed.

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