Chapter 4 - The year end!

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a/n: Hey guys!! The above image is just a example, so don't take it seriously. This chapter is amazing according to me :) as it is the basis of the entry of new character that will come in the story and will change attitude of Charlie.... Ok- ok I won't reveal much now. Just go with the flow...Enjoy reading!

Charlie's pov:

The year end or last day of any particular year in school is the most interesting day. And what happens when the last day of middle school is also your birthday?


I was very excited for my birthday from a day before itself and even more about the party that I had already informed to my friends about.....a grand party!

I dressed myself with a very cool but simple t-shirt and obviously a jeans.. ;)

I was wished by mom and dad and my young brother Jake about whom I never spoke or informed anyone because he was useless and was very younger than me. Obviously The Group knew about him but we never talked much either so...doesn't matter. Does it?

I took bag hung over my shoulder and walked to school when i met an old neighbour out who wished me and honestly I was happy so I smiled and thanked him

When I reached the Mont High I walked in with pride and emotionless face hahaha.

Everyone was looking at me and whoever I came across wished me to which I replied with a small smile on my face.

And then came the best part...about meeting my friends near the corridor and they were ready to wish me

I walked towards them and grinned. Really grinned. They all were having an evil smile on their face. And now I regret telling it as best part because the very next moment is was hit by the birthday cake in my face!

"What the heck? What in world did come in your mind to think that I will like this surprise" I said

Jake and actually everyone started laughing. Jake said, "A very happy birthday Charlie!" and then all wished me after him with hugs and then I couldn't help but started smiling actually laughing because the anger was vanished within two minutes.

"We have another surprise for you" Susanne said and handed me a pretty bag. I opened it and fond a black and red t-shirt which was very cool too.

I changed and came out and was greeted with an O emotion on their face.

"okay now lets head to classes I don't want to miss Ms Spencer's lecture"

Just for your clarification, Ms Spencer teaches mathematics to them.

"Obviously u don't, after all you are a nerd!" Mellisa said with giggling. I roll my eyes and walk on.

Overall it was a fun day at school most of classes were cancelled or we didn't study....why? Cause we didn't want to?

I was back home at around 2:30 and rested, that actually means timepass on social media.(*smirking*)

The Party was at 4 so I got ready and reached on time

The hall in which it was organized looked classic

The lights and everything looked wonderful.

My friends came first after which slowly the people started come and they enjoyed it so well

All the part contained was- dance, food, friends and girls did so much of gossips. That's how they are right?

I went on the stage and announced – 

"Hello everyone, Thanks for coming in the party. I request you all to mingle up and enjoy. At the same time we are also celebrating last year of middle school so I have invited the DJ here!!" Every one cheered and shouted into applause

Two cakes came... one for my birthday and another for year end party!
Everyone enjoyed a lot!!

The party ended and all began to go home. The only people left now were the Daredevils  and our families. 

Now the serious part begins 

As we all were done with the dinner, me and my friend known as 'The Daredevills were sitting on a round table and we talking when suddenly i remembered about the task....

I popped up in between when mellisa and Susanne were discussing something and all were laughing.

"Don't we have a task to do? A mystery to solve and a new adventure to go on??"

The vibe changed to a serious one at that point....the smiles vanished and seriousness took over their faces

"You sure about you want to do it on this day? your birthday??" Jake  said.

"why not?" i said "Doing something or simply figuring out something does not means any physical work we can also do some small things such as figuring out minute loopholes and working on them and then going to next task." i continued.

They exchanged blank looks

"Charlie we aren't understanding a word you are trying to say!" said  Susanne

"Its ok i have a plan in my mind ready i am just waiting to execute" i replied

My mom came to me after 10 minutes and asked - " Charlie dear, did you enjoy your party"
"Yes i did" i responded

"So tell me one thing,what do you want as a gift?" My dad -  Henry Jones asked me with a smile on his face

"What i want is very simple. And i suppose that any one of you can give it to me easily. Mom told me about the secret behind the rebels that are going on in the city other day. And i suppose that the story told to me was half wasn't it?? The full truth is what you don't want me to know right??"

My parents got nervous and looked at each other

I continued, "What i want is....You tell me the full truth. Honestly and Without any modifications of real story. Can you give me that?"


Okay....SO mystery handled pretty well?

Did you guys like it? Enjoyed it? Curious for new character?

If you can imagine name of new character, comment!





until then......bye..!!

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