Chapter 7 - The Sea Of Depths

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Since Claire had gave the idea, all of the friends were busy in thinking how would they accomplish their task and if there were any troubles in the sea waiting for them!

The mystery was to be revealed and a strange thing was expected by them to be revealed but the least did they know that all expectations are not true.

Fear is also a great word, though its only made up of four words but can change the whole game upside down if it was not overcome. Jake and Susanne had the fear to swim. Susanne still had learnt it when she was in third grade but had forgotten it after she had left it since her young age. She was near to be drowning at that time, and from that day she did not like to swim! On the other hand, Jake was a new learner.

The squad decided to remove the rust from their swimming skills and practise for some days before the adventure in the deep blue sea (lol the seas are blue only).

They had decided to meet at Jake's to practise it.

"Jake you have such a cool pool right in your home! How come you never has a swim in it or nor did wanted to?" Mellisa questioned, looking at blank face of Jake. He was quiet foe some time and then spoke, "Uhh I did not see it as interesting thing to do?"

"It's interesting once you learn it. You will have a amazing experience trust me" Charlie replied to Jake.

"I don't have problem in trying! Let's do this!" He cheered himself up

"um guys? Have you guys forgotten the childhood experience of mine with water? And since then I have this fear of swimming...?" Susanne was worried

"Don't worry Susanne you are gonna be fine and trust me we both will have good experience and also a new learner like me wants to do it then why not you?" Jake was answering with no fears of swimming.

"I have fear Jake! You don't understand that-" Susanne retorted when Charlie started to interrupt.

"Trust me Susanne if you speak a single more negative word before doing a wonderful swim, I am going to push you in waters"

Their bickering came to an end and then all of them started to swim. Jake was a bit scared at first but after that, he did a good job at basics. After gathering a lot of courage Susanne finally took a step in pool. After some efforts, she was surprised to find that she still remembered the swim styles a bit. She was so happy that in within two days, she had become a perfect swimmer. All the others had been successful in removing their rust. Jake was a little bit slow one but he learned it well.

2 days later

It was the day to go into the obscure, dark adventure!
All of them had packed whatever they needed in a small bag and headed toward the 'The Sea of Deepths' That is what the sea was named. It was indeed a deep sea but it was said that it has secret hidden in depths and that is what Daredevils were aimed to find.

They reached The Sea Of Depths with full preparations and will to find something.

"We can do this!" Charlie said motivating others

"And we will!" all chorused

The Journey in the deep sea was started. It was a dark blue sea with lights reaching till some extent but as it grew deeper, it grew darker and darker. Any light still filtering down has diminished to appear completely black, leaving only animals and bacteria to produce the light found there.

The underwater torches were helpful to them to navigate. They checked every spot carefully.

There was a no sign of anything, everything dark and empty without sea animals around. When Claire suddenly noticed something in an extreme corner. Only way to navigate inside was through a small hole only big enough for one person to go inside. It was not noticed by anyone and all were planning to go up and get out of sea depressed but suddenly Clair had hold Susanne's hand stretched her towards her and signaled her to get everyone. All approached her when she showed them the hole

When everyone went inside one by one, they were shocked to see what was inside


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