At Alfia

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After the long shopping trip, everyone helped decorate Alfia. It looked amazing.

AT THE GRADUARION CEROMONY..........................

"After three years of hard work and a few supprises along the way, your time here at Alfia collage for faires is coming to an end. Today you will became one with the power. Guardien faires of your world. Please come foward: Bloom fairy of the drangon flame and princess of Domino, Stella fairy of the shinning sun and princess of Solaria, Musa fairy of music and princess of Harmonic Nebula, Tecna fairy of technology, Layla fairy of waves and princess of Andros and Flora fairy of nature. This power will chage your life forever!" Faragonda said. "These pretty little jewellery boxes contain the power of harmony, this is the final gift for each graduated fairy. Open these boxes now and prepare to be one with the magic dimension." 

The 6 fairys open the magical box.
"The plant, the trees, i can hear all the voices and understand what there saying and feeling." Flora said.

"That dear Flora is the difference between a fairy who uses flower magic and being the fairy of Nature." Miss Faragonda said.

"I feel connected to every form of technology everywhere, it amazing", Tecna said. 

"I can hear all the music of the world and the secret song in every persons heart and i could sing it." Musa said.

"The light of the sun the moon the stars, shinning inside me, i feel like i can light up the whole world," Stella said.

"I feel connected to all the water on the globe, every drop from the tiniest puddle to the deepest ocean," Layla said.

"I feel the fire burning inside me," Bloom said.

"Congratulations, graduates your final fairy form is complete." Faragonda said.

After the fairy's became guardian fairy's they had fun at the party. They ate some food and danced. After the party the winx girls took the boys to there dorm. But Helia took flora somewhere else away from the others.

Then Sky saw and dragged Bloom with him, they followed Helia and then Brandon and stella came and hid with Bloom and Sky. The rest followed them.

"What are we doing here," Stella, Bloom and Musa said.

"Shoo, be quite were listening to what there saying," Sky, Brandon and Riven said.

"Flora come this way," Helia said.

"What is it Helia, is anything wrong," Flora said worried.

"No, everything is aright, i just wanted to ask you something," Helia said.

"What did you wanna ask me," Flora asked.

Helia gave Flora a jeweled box inside was a beautiful diamond ring.

"Well.....em......Flora i really like you and I would love to spend my whole life with you, will you mar..........." Helia said.

"YES!!!!!!!" Flora screamed. 

"Finally!" Screamed Stella coming from where she was hinding.

"You guys were here all that time?" Helia asked.

"Yep" Brandon said.

"That was sooo cute," Stella said. Hugging Flora.

The boys stayed a couple of hours and then they went back to Red Fountain.
The girls went to bed.

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