The Truth

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IN THE MORNING...........

The boys slept in the girls dorm next to them on another bed. So Riven slept next Musa, Brandon next Stella, Sky next to Bloom, Timmy next to Tecna, Nabu next to Layla, Helia next to Flora.

The next morning was as red as dawn, Musa was the first to wake up. Careful not to wake Riven she slipped out of bed. She got a couple of steps before she felt really weak. She fell to the ground with a loud THUMP. Riven woke to the sound of something hitting the ground, snapping his eyes open, he scanned the room. Musa was lying on the floor struggling to get up, he jumped out of bed and ran to her.

"Musa what's wrong" he asked worriedly. 

"I feel so weak" she whispered, he picked her up and placed her on the bed. 

"Will you be ok for a moment" Riven asked, she nodded.

"Don't move" he warned, as he left he hurried over to Floras bedroom. He knocked and waited, the door opened to reveal Helia wearing nothing but pants. 

"There's something wrong with Musa" Riven quietly whispered. Helia nodded. Riven caught a glimpse of Flora and Helia's room. As he expected it to be the room was completely covered in flowers. Helia came wearing a blue shirt, the two of them hurried back to Musa. Once they entered Helia rushed over to to the bed.

"This is a lot earlier than i expected" he mumbled placing his arm on Musa's forehead. Helia ran his hand, down her arm. Once he finished his examination he pulled the covers up to her chin.

 "what's wrong," Riven asked staring at Helia.

 " I have to cheek on the others," was all Helia said and turned to leave the room.

 Riven grabbed his hand. "what's wrong," Riven said slowly, Helia looked at him in the eye. 

"First stage," he said softly and left the room. Riven's hands hung uselessly at his side, he turned back towards Musa. He walked over towards the bed and layled down beside her.

Helia silently made his way over across the sitting room to Stella and Brandon's room. He knocked and waited, he heard someone fall out of bed and hoped it was Brandon. Brandon's face appeared.

"Mourning," he yawned.                                                                                                                           

"I need to cheek on Stella," Helia told him, Brandon looked confused but let him in. Helia looked over the bed.                                                                                                                                          

 "Stella how are you feeling," Helia asked and started to do the same thing he did for Musa.                 

"I feel so weak," She whispered, he nodded and turned to Brandon.                                              

 "Musa has reached the first stage," Helia explained, Shock was plain on Brandon's face. 

"Stella has too". Brandon ran over to Stella and placed a hand on her cheeks. Helia continued to do the same for Bloom, Tecna and Layla to find that they were all also in stage one. He hurried back to His and Floras room and cheek her. She was also in stage one. He was scared, he had watched his mother and his sister die because of this, because of Zacharias. Now he was going to lose Flora.                         

 "The girls have reached stage one," Helia whispered sitting down on the bed beside Flora, still holding her hand. She nodded, he cradled her in his arms. He decided to let her have some rest, he left the room. He found the other five boys sitting on the couch, they all looked at him as he sat next to Brandon.                                                                 

 "There has to be a cure," Brandon said as sadness filled his eyes.                                                                     "We tried everything," Helia said giving the same sad look. It was silent once again, just then the doors burst open. The first person was a girl no older then nine and her mother holding her hand followed by Radius and Luna. (There still divorced). Next was a young woman with long purple hair, she was followed by the king of Harmonic Nebula, next was the King and Queen of Andros and Daphne and also Ms. F. The boys were stunned, suddenly Brandon stood up and bowed to the royalty. The other boys coped him.

 "Where are the girls?" Ms F asked looking around as if expecting them to come running out of nowhere.   

 "There in their rooms," Riven said.    

 "They hit stage one this morning," Helia said, the group of people gasped, Ms F must have told them.

 "What does that mean?" The little girl cried out looking at the adults shocked face. Helia immediate knew who she was, she had tanned skin and long brown hair, she was Floras little sister.                 

"It means she is very weak, they all are," Ms F explained to her, just then the door to Stellas and Brandon's room opened.                                                                                                                        

"Is everything alight, I heard voices," Stella said weakly, she then suddenly dropt but Brandon caught her before she hit the ground.                                                                                                               

 "I told you to stay in bed," Brandon whispered, holding her tightly.                                                         

"I was curious," Stella said smiling.                                                                                                

"Stella!" Luna cried as she ran over to the two, Raduis was close behind her.                                

"Mum, Dad!" Stella exclaimed.                                                                                                               

 "I think it would be best if all the girls were out here,"Ms F said to the other boys who nodded.

"We need to talk to everyone," Daphne said, the boys went back to their rooms and returned carrying six sick fairies. Daphey went to up to Bloom and asked, "Bloom how are you felling."                      

 "I'm still feeling quit weak," Bloom responded.                                                                                  

"Just rest little sister," Daphney told her.                                                                                                

 "I wanted to tell all of you something," Daphney spoke.                                                                     

"What is it," Musa asked.                                                                                                                     

 "As everyone knows there was 6 main realms at the beginning of the magic dimension,"Daphney began.                                                                                                                                  

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