Chapter 3

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We don't know what we're doing. Don't judge.

Also, feel free to comment! I'd love to hear your opinion on the story (:

We had been traveling for a while.

It had been days, but it felt like a couple of  minutes to me. Today we had walked for a couple of hours, mainly in silence. I watched my two new friends and the scenery as we walked, occasionally stopping so that Tubbo could help a random animal or so that Tommy could pick a flower. Tommy was picking lots of flowers. He held them in the crook of his arm, his hands busy waving away bugs or picking up rocks to throw at birds in our path.

Tommy, of course, was in front. He insisted on it and me and Tubbo had no energy for arguing with him over something so inconsequential. So there we were, barely making a sound, as we trudged through the forest in no particular direction except for getting away from the grey. Then Tubbo broke the silence.

"Ranboo, what happened when we first found you? Were you sleeping?" he asked. I smiled, happy that he was talking to me. Deep down I knew that I couldn't tell Tubbo, that it was a secret, but something about him...
"Endersleeping? Huh?" Tommy broke in.
"Yeah. I have this thing- sometimes I 'enderwalk', which is basically just me going about with my life, but I can't speak English. And after, when I wake up, I have no memory of what I did. Some random pixie that I used to be friends with told me that stuff, as I had no memory of it happening."
"So like sleepwalking?" Tubbo asked. I nodded. "But what's endersleeping?" I paused, not knowing how to explain. I cleared my throat before I continued. "Basically I'm asleep but I have weird dreams, sometimes I think that they're stuff that happens when I enderwalk but other times they're too crazy. Oh, and it's extremely difficult to wake me up until my subconscious thinks it's time." Tubbo and Tommy nodded in unison.

I noticed how Tubbo and Tommy had become inseparable. How Tubbo always followed Tommy around, and how Tommy made sure that Tubbo was never far behind. It made me happy, but every known and then I felt a pang of jealousy that I didn't understand.

I looked around my surroundings, trying to find a spot to sit and eat lunch. In my backpack that Tommy provided was some food and a couple of bits and bobs from Tubbo's previous home- apparently, he stayed in one spot, which was unusual for pixies.

Pixies aren't very good at social interaction either. They don't stay together for long. My old friend, a crow pixie, and I stayed together for a couple of months. I thought two days was max until I met him- and maybe I'd stay with my new friends for a while.

Pixies also aren't good at friendship. It's difficult for them to have many affectionate emotions- or so I thought until I became friends with the crow hybrid and in turn Tommy and Tubbo. Especially Tubbo.

Eventually, we discovered a small hollow at the foot of a tree which seemed like a sheltered spot. We decided to stay here for the rest of the day and the night, as it was sheltered and perfect. I took out my notebook, writing down the day's events (or lack of) and Tommy started weaving flower crowns. Every time he'd finish one, he'd plop it onto Tubbo's head and start a new one. It was very peaceful- reminded me of the days with my old friend.

But I couldn't get distracted.

We took it upon ourselves to find out why the grey exists. And, to stop it. Because as far as we know, it makes pixies disappear.

Eventually, I felt something lean against me and looked down. Tommy had fallen asleep against my side, flowers slipping off his lap. Tubbo was asleep too, leaning on my other side. I smiled, but also sighed, trying to push them off, but when that didn't work I just gave up and closed my eyes. What was left of my guard dropped as I let my fellow pixies into my heart. It was okay; I could have friends. We probably wouldn't stay together long anyway. That was my final thought as I fell into a soft slumber, forgetting to write in my notebook how my day had progressed. But that was okay. I'd remember.

We woke up to loud, weird noises from outside. The three of us quickly crawled up and out of the entrance, trying to see what had caused the sounds. Suddenly, a blur of grey rushed past us, knocking Tommy to the ground a meter away. The creature rushed past us again, and that was when we realized there were two. No, three... four... six clumps of grey goo reaching toward us.

Tubbo and I screamed and backed away, quickly rushing to Tommy's side. He winced as we lifted him up.
"Are you okay?" Tubbo asked worriedly.
"Yup, my arms just hurting. It hasn't recovered fully since that sketchy dude pushed me." Tubbo rolled his eyes.
"Tommy, that was your fault to begin with-"
"Um, guys," I interrupted, "But weird thingies are trying to kill us." Tubbo nodded, and, surprising me and Tommy he stepped toward the slowly advancing death goo.

Then, he went into action.

Weaponless, seemingly defenseless, Tubbo ran toward one of the monsters. Then he jumped onto its shoulders and off its back, causing all of the creature to turn towards him. He gestured toward me and Tommy to leave, but after sharing a glance we ignored him, and Tommy drew his sword. Tubbo sighed but quickly drew his attention back to the battle. He ducked to dodge a swipe and jumped to avoid another. Then, he caught one's attention that was making its way toward me and Tommy, and it ran toward Tubbo instead. Quick as a flash, he ran into position then jumped out of the way just in time, causing the monster to run into a tree. He quickly kicked another and it seemed to melt into the ground, along with the one which Tubbo tricked. Two down. But there were still so many...

I knew I shouldn't use my powers, it's supposed to be a secret. But otherwise, they'd die... I'd never even shown the crow hybrid...

I quickly grabbed Tubbo's hand in one and Tommy's in the other. Then, I disappeared, taking the other two along with me.

Clouds covered the sky. So, so, many clouds. It grew darker and darker, more and more perfect until it seemed like night. A flash of lightning broke the quiet gloom, streaking the sky with gold.

He hadn't planned on the weather being like this, but it was perfect. The more grey the sky is the faster it spreads on the ground.

And on this day, too. He had just found the person he was looking for. The person who ruined everything. But it wasn't just him; it was all pixies. They were all dangerous. Unsuitable for this world. Humans cause extreme destruction even though they have limited power. Imagine what pixies, magical creatures, could do.

What they did.

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