Chapter 4

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Okay, excuse time. I am so, SO sorry I haven't posted in like, two months. I feel so bad and WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU WITH GOOD PLOT (I hope). I may not post every day, but it's the holidays in a week so  I will be able to write a lot more frequently. Again, I am so sorry. But on with the story!

also i don't put much effort into editing it so if you see something wrong feel free to point it out but do not be rude about it!

Tubbo pov again :D

In a flash of purple, we were gone. I opened my eyes slowly to see we were in a different part of the forest, with no grey monsters. I gasped as I realised. Of course! How could I not have figured it out before! Ranboo's an enderman hybrid- he can teleport. I shook my head to rid the confusion. Tommy looked up at him with awe, I just tried to keep my mind from veering off track.
"L-let's keep going?" I suggested. Tommy agreed and Ranboo nodded, relieved for the topic of his powers to be saved for another day.

Two hours later, we were still walking. Where? Just away from the grey. Nothing really makes sense to me anymore except a few things. Tommy, Ranboo, me... friends. Keep going, get away from the grey. Or maybe that's just me trying to make up drama. It's gotten so boring. Sure we come across the occasional stream or animal but other than that it's just us and our thoughts.

"Are we there yet?" Tommy moaned for the fiftieth time. Me and Ranboo ignored him, we had learned to. "My foot's hurting! And the sky looks like it's gonna rain soon! We need a spot to set up camp!" Ranboo turned to look at him.
"This isn't a holiday, Tommy," he said over his shoulder. "This is life and death. That grey spreads quickly."
"And we're doing nothing?" I interrupted quietly.
"What was that?" Ranboo asked gently. I cleared my throat and spoke a little louder.
"They grey spreads quickly, probably killing off lots of pixies and causing max destruction and we're doing nothing?" Ranboo hung his head, thinking for an answer. Tommy nodded with a grin and rested his arm on my shoulder.
"Yay! Big T! Excellent idea. Ranboo, can we stop the grey?" he said. Ranboo rolled his eyes fondly. I giggled at the sight.
"No, Tommy, we can't stop the grey. It's too dangerous. But hey, we can set up camp now." I sighed and Tommy huffed, despite Ranboo being the same age as us. Tommy always acted younger and Ranboo always acted like an adult. Well, he had too if it came to Tommy and I.

Suddenly, we heard a rustle in the bushes and quickly spun around. Whatever the creature was, it was big. Then, out stepped two female pixies. The first had sheep ears, a tail, and legs similar to mine, and a pirate hat perched on her puffy hair. The second wore simple clothes but red rose vines wove around her body, seeming to grow from her skin.­­­­They both looked shocked when they saw us, and we had the same reaction. Then, they ran off.
"Hey! Wait!" I called, racing after them with Tommy and Ranboo right behind me. I knew why they ran, though. Pixies aren't used to being together- they're mostly solitary creatures. So it surprised me that they were together at all. All we knew as we ran through the bushes getting scratched on thorns, is that we all need help.

(Unknown POV)

I gripped Hannah's hand tightly as we cleared our way through the forest. It was kinda scary, the grey and stuff. The monsters we didn't mind- I found them easy to defeat. But right now, sword in hand, I cut through some bushes to reveal...

Pixies. More pixies. My eyes widened in shock. It was startling to see others, in defense mode too, and Hannah and I instinctively ran back the way we came. But they chased after us, scaring Hannah even more. But I stopped.
"What are you doing?" Hannah hissed, trying to pull me away.
"They're children," I murmured. "I want to help them. And if they try to hurt us, well, I can fight." At that moment, a goat hybrid burst into the area, shortly followed by someone who seemed to not be a hybrid and...

Was that an enderman pixie?

I gripped Hannah's hand so tightly my knuckles turned white. But I still held my ground.
"Um, hello?" the not-hybrid one said awkwardly. I breathed a sigh of relief. They weren't trying to kill us. I raised my hand awkwardly in greeting and the other two strangers also waved awkwardly. Hannah awkwardly said hello and we awkwardly stood in an awkward silence for an awkward amount of seconds.
"Well, this is awkward," the goat hybrid said, then cleared his throat. "Um, I'm Tubbo and this is Tommy and Ranboo," he said, gesturing toward the other two.
"I'm Puffy," I explained, "and this is Hannah Rose." Tubbo nodded and opened his mouth to speak but Tommy interrupted.
"So, y'know about the grey?" He asked. I nodded.
"You mean that grey stuff that spreads and makes you... disappear?"
"We... lost a friend," Hannah informed sadly. Ranboo gasped. And Tommy and Tubbo instantly looked sympathetic. "Yeah, um, she..." I struggled for words. "She was cool." Hannah and I were both uncomfortable with the topic so I quickly changed the subject.

"A-anyway, sorry for running, we were just a bit startled. But do you guys need help?" I offered. Ranboo shook his head but Tommy interrupted again.
"Yes! We were looking for a way to stop the grey," he said.
"Tommy, no, it's dangerous," Ranboo scolded.
"Well, yeah, and we're gonna die eventually anyway because the world is only so big. And look! These women- *cough cough* pixies lost a friend. So yeah, let's go save the world. My life was getting boring anyway." Ranboo looked to Tubbo for help.
"Um, sorry Ranboo, I agree with Tommy on this one."
"Okay, fine. We'll save the world." Ranboo turned back to Hannah and I.
"So will you help us?" I thought about it for a moment. Ranboo was right, it was dangerous. But Tommy had a point... and plus, it was the least we could do since we lost Niki.

The thought of Niki made me a little more determined, a little more fierce but also sad. Since she was a fish hybrid, she grew weak if she didn't touch water for a while. So while me and Hannah got out alive, she... couldn't make it. I shook my head to clear the thoughts.

"Hannah? Are you okay with that?" I asked, turning to her. She thought about it for a moment.
"Yeah, okay. Lead on Captain!" she joked. I smiled at her and turned to the kids.
"Yes, we'll help you."

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