Chapter 7

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Also btw I always forget to do time skips so if something seems like a time skip somewhere but it isn't labeled as one just assume it is.

there is some more blood and gore in this chapter again so just a warning for people who are sensitive to that

Tommy POV

They know now.
I didn't want them too. I wanted them to be my friends forever.
But now they know what I did.

I didn't mean too, of course. I would never destroy an entire village and my family in the process on purpose. I loved my family, and I thought I had made friends there forever, but then of course fate made me kill them.

Being a pixie-pixie isn't as cool as it sounds. Special powers (which I don't have) are awesome, better then more powerful powers. Because extra powerful powers suck.

I just tried a small, simple spell. I barely ever did magic, because my powers were too strong, but I thought that just lighting a campfire would be okay, until I accidentally set my whole village alight. There were survivors, though, and that would be a good thing, except that they all hate me and some of them are now trying to destroy my entire race.

I sighed, my head in my hands. I was sitting on a rock in the bushes a little way from camp, trying to avoid the others. Welp, it was great having friends while I did. Kind of sucky how it has to end now. Suddenly, a figure burst through into my little spot.
"Tommy!" They said. He knows. "What did you do?" I looked up tiredly, meeting Tubbo's honey brown eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb. He knows.
"Puffy said you did something to Dream and Phil or something." He knows he knows he knows he- I burst into tears, the pressure finally cracking me after weeks of keeping my secret.
"Tommy..." Tubbo murmured, pulling me into a hug. "It's okay. I know you'd never hurt anyone on purpose."
"I'm sorry," I said in between sobs.
"It's okay. But no more secrets from now on."

—time skepp—

Tubbo and I headed back to camp, hand in hand. Maybe... maybe it would be alright, maybe... When we reached it, to see Fundy, Puffy, Rose, Phil, Techno and Ranboo, I hung my head. Not daring to make eye contact.

"Tubbo!" Ranboo called happily.
"Ranboo!" Tubbo called back, his face lighting up. They shared an embrace before turning to the rest of us. I avoided making eye contact with Phil but could feel his gaze boring into me.
"I have a plan," Techno said, sounding monotone.
"Hey, what about the other captive?" Fundy questioned.
"George? Oh yeah, pretty sure Dream's fallen for him," Techno explained, his voice not wavering. Fundy's mouth opened in shock.
"Huh?" He asked, confused.
"Yeah. Odd, I know."
"Guys, a plan..." Ranboo reminded.
"Oh yeah," Techno said, "well, I was thinking we just storm Dream's lab. Better yet, I storm Dream's lab. Problem solved." There was a moment of silence in which you could hear the evening crickets chirping.
"Techno... is good at fighting," Phil explained. The pixie in question snorted. "I guess everyone good at fighting will go with Techno to defeat Dream and use the super antidote to erase the grey."
"Wait, you can do that?" Tubbo asked, hope weaving through his voice.
"Okay... sorted then?" Hannah said, still a little confused and dazed. The rest of the group nodded in agreement.
"Sorted." I confirmed with a grin, almost, almost, forgetting about potentially losing the freinds I worked so hard to find.

—Time skeppy—

The monsters were pissing me off.

There were so many of them, appearing more and more frequently as we neared Dream's lab. And Tubbo, with his stupid injury, decided that 'hEy i'M gOnNa IgNoRe ThIs AnD fIGhT tHe MoNsTeRs'.

Yeah. Great idea, Tubs.

It's okay though. We're all good at fighting, and Techno kills most of them before they can even get close (Phil was right about Techno being good).

But, then we reached the ravine.

"Woah, it's deep, Tubbo exclaimed, looking down into the canyon. It was a huge crack in the earth stretching on for ages. At the bottom I could see some shallow water splattered with algae and a few trees. It was very pretty, actually. I breathed in the fresh air and stood close to the edge, happy at the scenery, standing here with my friends (and frenemies. And... enemies). A couple of rocks chipped off and fell into the ravine, causing the water at the bottom to splash. I stepped back a bit, my confidence wavering. Then, of course, those stupid monsters had to come along and push Hannah- who was standing right beside me- in. She screamed as she lost balance and tripped over the edge.
"Hannah!" Puffy, Ranboo, Tubbo and and Fundy screamed in unison. I quickly reached down and grabbed her hand, but I lost balance too, and we both fell toward the water.

The wind rushed past my ears. It was loud, but almost musical. It felt peaceful. It felt like I was flying. But I wasn't. I wasn't. I was falling.

Then, out of nowhere, Phil swooped down and caught hold of me and Hannah. However, while he slowed our fall with flaps of his wings, he couldn't carry us both up, and the three of us crashed into the water below.

Then, everything went black.

—time skepp—

When I woke, everything seemed kind of blurry and unsafe. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, confused to see a couple of rocks dotted and trees around a body of water- and surrounded by towering rock walls. I sat up and groaned at the pain the seemed to fill my body. I coughed up blood, wiped my mouth on my sleeve and stood up dazed. A meter away, Phil sat next to Hannah, who seemed to be unconscious. A jolt of panic rushed through me. Were they okay? I stood up and stumbled over toward them, the splashes in the water alerting Phil of my presence.
"Tommy, are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I nodded.
"Nothing broken, just a bit bruised," I said. "But is Hannah fine?"
"Yeah, I think, but she's bleeding all over the place and I'm trying to stop it," Phil explained.

Indeed, the water around Hannah was slowly turning scarlet. Phil fumbled with a few leaves he had picked up and attempted to wrap them around Hannah's arm, which had a huge gash along the side.
"Ouch," I said. Phil nodded.
"I think she caught it on some rocks on the way down."
"What about you, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm %100," he informed. I didn't quite believe him, as his wings seemed pretty bashed up. I sighed and took of the bandanna from around my neck to give to Phil. He smiled gratefully and used it to bandage Hannah's wound. I then plonked myself down next to the crow hybrid, exhausted.

"For the record, I didn't mean to," I said tiredly. Phil looked at me confused.
"Huh? Didn't mean to do what?"
"Destroy our village." Phil paused, surprised, the word 'our' reaching to him. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. Yeah, Phil, guess what? My family and friends died too.
"Okay," was all he said. I took a deep breath and stood up, gazing around at the tranquil scene.
"Okay," I repeated back to him, a little annoyed at the blank answer, "but now let's get out of here."

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