Chapter 1

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Monday. Oh, how I hate Mondays. Don't we all?

On Monday, we must wake up deal with our family's early morning bullshit, leave the house and deal with the bullshit at school, come back to the house and deal with more bullshit.

In other words, Mondays are bullshit.

But they continue to appear and so I continue to deal with all the bull that comes with that.

I get ready for school quickly because I know my sister would drag me if I take forever in the bathroom again. I can't help being high maintenance. Most masterpieces are.

I'm Na Jaemin. One of the very few male omegas in the world. I like to think I'm one of the lucky ones being as rare as I am.

"Na Jaemin! Come eat your breakfast!" My mother calls.

"Coming." I respond lazily fixing my school uniform. Like most schools, uniforms are based on secondary genders. Skirts for omegas, betas get a choice, and pants for alphas. These skirts are irritatingly short though. The school should fix that.

As I walk downstairs, I am greeted with the view of my bed-headed sister, scarfing down her food like she's in a marathon. She's an alpha. Also rare. Female alphas are very unlikely from omega-alpha parents. They are most common in alpha pairings.

"Come eat, you fool. Before I eat it for you." She threatens. She's always so hostile in the mornings.

"Excuse the hell out of me. God forbid I take my time when I still have an hour to waste before I leave for school!" I respond sarcastically. Honestly, who does she think she is? She looks like death and I look like angel's breath. I'm ready to walk out that door right this second and she definitely could not relate.

"No fighting before 3."

And that's my dad. The most nonchalant and childish alpha I've ever met. He loves me to death, though and I can't blame him. He finds entertainment in our suffering. He owns a chain of clubs. Though they each do different things. I only know of the karaoke bar. That's none of my business though.

I finish up my breakfast gracefully, grab my bag and phone, and walk out of the house without a word. It's better this way. No one wants to tag along, offer a ride, give advice, etc.

I walk to school alone and meet up with my only two friends. Donghyuck and Chenle. Both betas and grade A assholes. I still love them... sometimes.

"Wassup babe?" Donghyuck asks as he throws a hand over my shoulder. I quickly shrug it off and give him a disgusted look.

"Oh, the usual. Do you know if Ga-eun is coming into work today?" I ask him. Ga-eun, my bitchy coworker, never shows up and Donghyuck is the only person with up to date info on everybody, everywhere, at any given time.

"I don't believe she is. Maybe she'll surprise you and be early or even on time for once." Donghyuck says.

"I seriously doubt it." I scoff.

"HI BABES!" Chenle screams as he jumps onto Donghyuck's back causing him to stumble.

"Get the fuck off me, you cow."

"Wow. I am feeling the love right now folks."

"Both of you need help." I say as I continue to walk to my locker. I've got plenty of time before first period but I like to be prepared and early.

I drop my things off at my first period desk so I can spend the rest of my free time with the two bozos in the cafeteria.

"Oh my god! Donghyuck have you heard about the new transfer students?" Chenle asks loudly.

"Yeah, the ones from China right?" Donghyuck responds.

"Those be the ones mate."

"Your Australian accent sucks ass, get a tutor."

"You just can't let me be great, can you?"


"Fuck off, Hyuck."

And this is what I deal with on a, nearly, daily basis. These fools love to argue and I don't bother to interfere. So far no one's died yet.

"Listen up, my favorite beta bitches in the entire world." I start off.

"What did you do now?" Donghyuck asks.

"Shut up and let me finish. Why do you always assume I did something wrong?" I pout at him. He raises his hands in mock surrender before giving me his full attention.

"I have a confession to make. I know who will be arriving at the school today! As in personally know them. So you lucky two will be able to meet the other lucky two who just so happen to be alphas." I explained enthusiastically.

"So..... you knew these Chinese things you call 'friends', which is upsetting because I thought we were 4Liferz but okay, and you didn't tell us until the day they walk into the school?" Chenle asks.

"Affirmative. And also I have a life and it doesn't revolve around you. Do I get brownie points if I tell you they're hot?" I ask with biggest puppy eyes I can muster.

"You most certainly do. Tell me more!" Donghyuck says excitedly.

"Indeed! I'm not sad anymore and ready to be a whore." Chenle agrees, disregarding the fact the he was never sad to begin with. I begin to show them pictures and share details that aren't too personal about our new friends.

"Na Jaemin! You beautiful bitch, where are you?" A loud voice roars and the cafeteria quiets down.

I look up from my phone to see the boys I was just talking about at the cafeteria's doors. I get up quickly and run over to greet them since I'm all the way in the back of the cafeteria.

"Injunnie~ Yukhei~ welcome to Korea babes!" I say as I jump around them excitedly. They chuckle at me and pat my head affectionately.

"How have you been?" Renjun asks.

"I almost jumped off a cliff several times but I'm alive so I can't say too many bad things. How about you? How was your trip?" I ask in reply.

"It was exhausting but better now that you're here." Yukhei says cheekily.

"Well would you look at that. This bubblegum-headed bish forgot we existed." A snarky voice comments behind me to which I simply roll my eyes.

"Haven't you ever heard the saying, 'The power of knowing is knowing what to ignore'?" I questioned with a threatening smile.

"Introduce us, you fool." Donghyuck says back.

"Yukhei. Renjun. Meet thing one and thing two." I said sassily, pointing to each respective person.

"I am not a thing and even if I were I would be number 1." Donghyuck whines.

"I'm Chenle and this is Donghyuck. Since you seem to know Jaemin I guess we can be friends but Jaemin and I are already 4Liferz so back off." Chenle says boldly.

"You guys seem fun. Tour us?" Renjun asks.

"Sure." All three reply happily.

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